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Hudson:hey sky,Dyl

Skyler:Hey Hudson what are  you doing here

Hudson:mom told me to come pick you up

Dylan:hey Hudson,we are actually going to go see Walker

Hudson:I'll drive you

Skyler :thanks
*they get in the car and start driving,sky soon gets a notification from Noah *



hey are you coming back?

No sorry ,I'm going to
Go see walker,

Okay well you enjoy yourself,see you tomorrow


Hudson:we're here

Skyler:thanks Hudson

Hudson:no prob sky,see ya

Dylan:thanks Hudson

*Hudson drives off and Sky and Dylan walk up to the Lakers front door and rings the bell*

Walker:hello who is - oh Skgy ,Dyl

Dylan:hey ,we thought you were sick

Walker:yeah no,I told my parents that so I can stay home

Skyler:what a sneaky little bitch

Dylan:well ,can we come In


*Skyler pulls out a bag full of white powder*

Walker:that better be flower

Skyler:ha, you wish

Dylan:no no no,sky aren't you already high

Skyler:yes but it did fade a little

Walker:got a blunt

Dylan:oh my god ,you guys know when I'm old and 30 I'm going to be telling my kids about how my friends died at 17 & 16,you two are just sickening

Skyler:hey Im not sickening ,I know I'm dying soon so why not enjoy my life

Dylan:what do you mean Dying

Walker:sky what the hell are you talking about

Skyler:oh I -ummm, Forget it

Dylan:No Skyler Baker what is going on

Skyler:well ,when I was 11 my doctor told me in seven years or less im probably going to die because of my head conditions,you know the whole white gray shit,


Walker:that's why you started taking drugs at 11,to numb the pain

Skyler:you can put it like that,but I like to say because it makes me feel good and hides the pain of my 11yr old heart

Dylan:wow I was joking sky , I didn't really mean you will die you don't have to lie about actually dying

*tears fall out of Dylan's eyes *

Dylan:umm you know what walker y-you seem fine ,I'm gonna go ,.......bye

*Dylan grabs her bag and walks out the door wiping her tears *

Walker:that was a shitty move Sky  that was not funny , you made her cry

Skyler:Walker,I'm not joking my Doctor said it's a miracle I even reached  16,I'm dying before graduation

Walker:Sky stop taking drugs it's making you sound and act  craze ,I think you should go

Skyler:but I jus-


*Skyler grabs her bag and walks out and takes the bus back to her house *

Hudson:home so early

Skyler:not in the mood

Amber/mom:Hey honey what's wrong,

Skyler:well I told walker and Dylan I'm going to die

Amber/mom:your not going to die you are my perfect healthy little girl,you might outlive me

Skyler:I'm a mental case and you try to forget it but deep inside you can't stop that one phone call from the school saying,we found your daughter dead on the bathroom floor ,or Better on a classroom desk In the middle of class

Amber/mom:Skyler stop you are perfect, I'm going to watch you go to college,get a job,get married,and have cute little kids

Skyler:mom you act like everything is fine but let's face the facts I know it my doctor knows it you know it Hudson knows it dad knows it ,your the only one acting like it is okay acting like I will be okay,well mom hate to break it to you but I'm not and you can tell me all that stuff know because  ,I'm not that sensitive , naïve, scrawny little 11yr old girl anymore, I know my fate and I accepted it why can't you

*tears start to fall from Ambers eyes (Skylers mom) and Skyler starts to cry then runs upstairs *

Noah's pov

Noah:les I'm back

Leslie:hey ,can you take me to the park

Noah:sure let's go

*Noah and  Leslie goes to the park and Noah sees Dylan sitting on the bench crying *

Noah:why so blue

Dylan:Why do you ask

Noah:oh didn't notice you there I was talking to my friend the sky

*Dylan chuckled a little then wiped a tear *

Noah:but for real what's wrong

Dylan:who so you can go tell your possy ?

Noah:nope just a normal guy and girl having a conversation

Dylan:nothing you should worry about it's just me and my friend having some problems right now

Noah:you and that guy named walker in a fight

Dylan:wow I surprised you know his name,but no not him my friend Skyler

Noah:oh is everything okay

Dylan:I'm fine I gotta go by Noah Hale

*Dylan walks away leaving Noah in complete confusion*

A/N:sorry if this is a little sappy I was crying like a baby the whole time making it 😅

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