That Nigga

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David Pov

"Nigga you need to get some pussy," Jason said.

"Dawg, I'm good on sex for right now man. After I slipped up and got Lauren's crazy ass pregnant, I'm connected to her ass for life because of my babygirl. My daughter is the best thing that ever happened to me man, but I'm not about to make the same mistake again," I explained.

"I feel you bro. But you should still at least try dating again. It's been 4 years since Gemini was born. I ain't saying that you lonely bro, but you spend all of your time either hustling with us or you're spending time with Gem," Drew replied.

"Ever since his ass started talking to K Deuce, he always preaching about relationships," Jason joked.

"You wouldn't believe what finding a good woman will do for you " Drew said.

"Yeah but I'm still stuck on what a ho can do for me right now though. Matter fact there go Shay right there," Jason said walking away to go talk to her.

"Hello," Drew answered his phone.

"Yeah I'm in here with D. Where you at," he asked the person on the other end of the phone.

"You by the bar? Alright I'm coming," he spoke before hanging up.

"Look D, Imma catch you later bro. I'm going meet K by the bar," he said dapping me up.

"Aight bro, Imma holla at you," I replied.

Now I'm sitting in my section alone as usual because these niggas always leave to go chase behind some girl. At least with Drew it's somebody he's actually thinking about dating. Karen is a nice girl, and she has a lot of things going for her, so I hope he doesn't fuck it up.

"Hey D," I hear someone whisper in my ear. I turn around and see that it's Tamela.

"What's up Phat, what you got going tonight," I asked.

"Oh nothing much. I saw you sitting here looking a little lonely and thought that I would give you some company," she answered.

I might as well just chill with Phat. Ain't nothing else popping up in this club tonight.

"Yeah, come sit right here," I said.

She walks around and sits next to me. I admire her beauty as she sits down.  Phat has always been a beautiful girl to me. The only reason I never tried dating her is because her big brother Tyrell was my homeboy. When he was alive, he never told me that I couldn't talk to his lil sister, but I never wanted to cross that line. 

Plus, I just feel like Phat and I are really good friends and I never want to mess up a friendship.

"What brings you out here tonight," I asked her.

"I'm just here with K. She really wanted to see Drew so I decided to be a good friend and come with her. What about you? Lookin for some new new," Phat answered.

"I'm not looking for nothing. I just came here to spend time with my niggas," I spoke.

"Yeah well it looks like yo niggas ain't tryna spend time wit you, so why don't spend some time with me," Tamela replied.

"That's fine with me. You want to stay here or you want to go somewhere else," I asked.

"Can we go to Waffle House? I really want some waffles right now and plus that's like the only place open besides McDonald's," she suggested.

"Aight cool we can go, but let me tell my boys I'm leaving and you tell K you leaving with me. Meet by my car," I said.

I spot Drew first. I walk over to him and Karen. Phat follows behind me.

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