To care or to not care

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Charlotte's PoV
The next day, all I could think about that boy, Percy. He was hot. There was no mistaking that, but he seemed kind, nice. There was a deep sadness in his eyes too.
Whatever he went through was evident in his eyes. The pretty, sea green eyes, were shattered, like broken glass. Percy also watched me like I reminded him of someone else. Oh lord, I should have become a detective instead.
"Ring!Ring!" I looked at my phone, hopeful. It was my friend Jess, calling to see if I was still up for girls night out. "Lottie! You gonna come?" "Yeah, Jess! Can't wait to see you guys!" "Bye, Lottie! Love you!" "Toodles, Jess!"
I loved Jess. I really did. But she was that over-active, hyper girl. Who also had no trouble finding guys. Unlike me. I had no trouble in high school, but every guy I like has no interest in me.
Maybe Percy Jackson will be different.

Percy PoV
I stared at my phone, trying to decide wether I should call Charlotte. Man up Percy I thought. I went to click call, but chickened out. Suddenly, I got this feeling. I hit the call button.(A/N: Italics- Charlotte Regular- Percy)

"Hello?" "Hi Charlotte. It's Percy"

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