The Young Years:Chapter 12

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July 6th, 2014
I wanted to text Carter when I got home from 5th wheeling but I didn't have the courage. It wasn't until the next day I texted Carter "what came up"
"My hamster had a vet appointment. He might have cancer"
I didn't reply. I didn't think he was lying to me. But I didn't know how I felt about it. I mean I guess that is kinda an excuse right. I couldn't tell if I was being a bitch or not about it. But at the same time appointments are made in advance. He should have known about this prior to the time of our double date. I mean what vets office is not booked especially in Bristol. I mean I remember Jillian telling me how her mom argued for an hour about moving up her cat auroras appointments that was booked 6 months away.
I really didn't know.
July 17th, 2014
Around lunch time I was sitting at the head of my table surrounded by the 5 year olds. I felt a strong vibration go through my thigh. Taking my phone out of my pocket I noticed "kyle the pain" was on my screen. Kyle was calling me. I couldn't help but think how odd that was, especially since he knew sister, the nun who ran the camp, didn't like us on our phones.
"Hey mike watch my group for a sec" I said yelling at mike who sat at the table to our right.
The camp was mostly set up in a big garage. Walking out the open garage doors I went by the connecting shed/ art room and answered the call.
"What's up" I asked
"How much bull shit do you need to hear before you kill an ass" said kyle to grinding teeth. The thing was kyle was kinda protective of me ever since Carter and I dated. He's always been, he like an older brother.
"What's going on"
"Apparently Carter went to the beach the day of your date"
I could feel my eyes being to water
"I'm sorry Sofia I thought you should know the truth" he said
"Anything else" I asked on the verge of tears
"Do you really want me to continue"
I nodded me head before I remembered I had to talk
"He's been saying he's gonna break up with you. I mean he could be joking cause he's with the guys. He's also been flirting with Mykah a lot. I mean at first I thought it was harmless myself. But today at the beach he touched her ass while she was tanning"
"Your the best kyle" I said before hanging up
Walking over to the bathroom I stared in the mirror. I didn't know how to cover up this. I was already over the line of crying. Staring at my phone I redialed Kyle's number. He instantly answered
"Can you do me a favor" I cried
"Of course" he replied
"I just want you to video tape him breaking up with me if he really want to break up"
"Of course" he said. I could hear the pity in his voice as he hung up.
I figured it's better than text breaking up.
I really was done with him. Of course I really do like him but not like this. Not when he never texts me, stands me up or say something like that.
Wiping my face I remembered I had kids to look out for they didn't want to see me like this and neither did I.
Later that day I was airing on my soccer Tasmanian devil beach blanket on the rocky beach. I was watching my small kids swim around the red tide water while 2 girls and 1 boy sat on my right giving me a "spa day". The girls were soaking my feet in buckets of sandy water while the boy placed hot rocks on the legs.
Looking at my phone I say "kyle the pain" flash across my screen. My heart stop beating and my lungs stopped working. I was frozen in fear to open it but of course like kyle ^ began flashing across me screen. I swiped open my phone and went to the video he sent. I could feel the kids curiously gather behind my back.
The person on my screen now  was Carter. His hair was wet and he was wearing green short. I started to blush I couldn't help it he was shirtless how could I not blush. He started to talk "Sofia I am so sorry. I was never going to break up with you. I am sorry for even thinking about it. Your the nicest, smartest sweetest girl I know. I love u. just please don't hate me". I watched as he faced looked pained it self. He really meant it. Tear gathered in my eyes and I quickly wiped them away.
Trying to keep my cool for another hour I knew I would die crying of happiness at home.
"You seriously believe him" screamed kaya over FaceTime
"Yes come on Kaya . You saw his face he looked sad and genuine" I said almost drifting into fairy land. I watched that video probably 10 more times after the beach. It was the sweetest thing anyone done for me. It really took my breath away. How could I doubt him.
"So your letting his lies all fly away"
"No" I started
"He lied to you, he practically cheated on you!"
"Okay first of all he could have lied to me because he was too nerves. I mean remember the baseball game"
"It's still lying!!! I want to see you defend him on the cheating"
"It must have been a misunderstanding" I said looking down
"I got to go eat but please I know your scared no one may like you but please don't let that blind you"
I felt like a wreck. Was Kaya right? It was hard for me to take. If Carter and I broke up I would have no one. I've seen the way Stephanie and Brandon look at each other. I might not know what love is exactly but that look is close to it. I wanted to be givin that look. I really want a relationship to work out. I always see so many people at my school get together and lad months at a time. My last boyfriend lasted 1 week. I'm afraid I might never find that person. Everyone else seems to know how to find maybe the one. What's wrong with me?

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