The Young Years: Chapter 26

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I was the happiest person in the world I love Kyle I loved him. I just wanted to climb the tallest mountains and scream I LOVE KYLE SILVA
I text Kyle
"Hey bae what's up"
He doesn't text back. weird but I'm not gonna judge because he could be busy. so I wait 4 hours. still no text. I text again. "what r u doin"
Still nothing. I let it slid cause I can't expect him to alway reply he has a life last time I checked.
Kyle still hasn't texted me back. it doesn't even say he read it. I let it slide again. I know Kyle if something was wrong he would make sure someone anyone would contact me. even if he didn't have his phone he knows where I live he would have someone find me.
I still don't hear a word from him. I don't want to text back cause I don't want to seem like one of those girls who need to know the boyfriends every move. but for Kyle this does seem weird I let today also slide.
I decide to FaceTime. I hear my phone ring for what seems like hours and hours. all I see is black. I also let today slide. my worry goes to 10% but I relax. I have tons of homework and so does he so I guess that makes both of us busy to hand out anyway.
I call Kyle's phone after 1,000,000 rings someone picks up
"Hey Kyle" I say to eagerly
"Who is this" a females voice replies
" this is Sofia is Kyle there"
There's a pause I hear what sounds like whispering
"Oh hi Sofia this is Kyle's girl friend sorry he can't talk right now we r busy"
She hangs up.
I sit down so confused. Kyle would never cheat on me would he. Kyle Kyle is a nice guy this can't be possible. I ball my eyes out. he would never do this to me.
I Decided to confront him face to face. I walk over to his house. it looks like his parents bough new cars. I viciously bang on his door. a guy with unkept hair comes to the door. he has a grey t-shirt with what looks like a pizza stain on it with stained,ripped jeans with his fly down.
"Hi I'm looking for Kyle"
he screams Kyle. this isn't Kyle's dad I know that for a fact.
no on comes
"Sorry no Kyle bye"he says sarcastically
He slams the door. wow that guy made me look a fool. but where was Kyle.
I go find the only other person who would know where he would be. A kinda friend of mine but a really good friend of his Maddy D. apparently Mandy's mom and his mom are friends which makes sense cause they both teach at the same school. I find he address online and walk to a blue ranch style house. I knock on the door.
A girl about 1 year older answers
"Hello" she say kindly
"Hi I'm Sofia. do you know Kyle silva"
"Ya I know him"
"Do you know where he is"
"Oh you haven't heard"
"Heard what"
"Kyle's gone"

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