Pollution, global warming and everything you need to know

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First with pollution well technically it isn't actually real. Let's start with the basics, energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed and all matter is made up of energy, but energy can be harnessed. The earth was created around 14 million years ago when the Big Bang happened, basically when the center of the universe expanded and our star was formed, around 6 million years ago our earth cooled and life was formed. Basically all carbon and oxygen was released into our atmosphere from the ground. Since it can't escape our atmosphere and more can't just come in all the carbon and oxygen that was created then is the exact same amount that we have now. No more was added or subtracted so in the last 6 million years the amount of pollution we have now it's the same amount we have had once in history before and once there was even more then now. Carbon is sucked into the ground in exchange for oxygen but for it to be in the ground it had to have already been in the air. So our fossil fuels and co2 levels may be higher than last years but it will not cause any permanent damage on society especially because it has happened before. So now you may be wondering well then why are the animals dying? We'll simply because of us. Around 30-40 years ago there was hardly any bald eagles at all because there wasn't as many grocery stores for people we relied more on hunting especially things like rabbits and smaller birds, because they also survived on those animals we killed down majority of their population. Now since we are more advanced and can run to a grocery Store in moments we stopped killing the bald eagles and now you can see them everywhere. The same things are happening in the ocean and with many animals we eat. And animals like lions are dying because we eat so much of their prey that they can't survive as easily.

What about global warming? Well in reality global warming is happening because of one of three things, shifts in the tilt of the earth, because we are getting closer to the sun or because of the raise in co2 levels in the past few years, or so you'd think. All of those being things we cannot control and definitely not being caused by pollution. Really it's because of the cycle of earth ice age-warming age-ice age again and repeat. There's no stopping it and it's not causing any real damage because the earth has gone through these changes dated even before dinosaurs. But, the ocean levels are still rising which can cause problems in the near future and something should and can be done. We should be doing more examining and testing to see the real and exact reason the temperature is rising and try to come up with ways to reverse or tamper with it though most of the ways to fix it are impossible or nearly impossible.

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