Kim's Arrival

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I rushed down the stairs resulting in a near falling off the stairs experience. I wouldn't want that to be added to the list of why I fractured my arm or got a terrible bruise so I slowed down With each step down the stairs, Kim appeared more and more until I could see her face, her eyes scanning behind my shoulder presumably for Edward who my mom was just talking about.

Kim had met my smile with a warm one and we briefly hugged, her wanting to tell me about a million things and me about a million and one. We had a lot to catch up on. We would have done it in one of our rooms like we always did, maybe even in the spare room as it was common ground. Even though it was Kim who would always be the one traveling or going on sleepovers and school trips she would still always show interest in my in-comparison dull story about a fun episode I saw on the TV with Kevin or a bee that got trapped in my room. However, this time I had a lot to talk about, maybe even more than Kim, mostly about-

"Edward," My mom said, her kind eyes looking behind me at Edward who was timidly standing on the last steps of the stairs, accidentally making himself a podium for Kim to get a good look at him.

"Hi, I'm Kim," She said, smiling politely. Edward nodded and smiled shyly.

"Oh Kim I have to tell you, building a bear has new teddies, me and Edward found a moose," I said, interrupting the awkward silence. Edward looked relieved and somewhat happy to be remembered about today and I was happy to talk about moose which I was proud of Edward for finding. "Usually, there are always just bears in the build, and the moose is just the cutest"

"That's nice, we could go sometime maybe" she replied, not so interested in a stuffed toy as she was with Edward.

"Why don't I help you with your stuff," I asked Kim finally dragged her eyes away from Edward and met mine and she nodded.

I took one of her bags, which felt like it was filled with the world's thickest book ever, and I made my way up to her room. I tiredly plopped the bag next to her water bed. I'm glad we have a spare room because I could imagine how well it would go for Edward- My pirate phase was already over so a flood wouldn't be too good. I could hear Edward walking up the stairs and going back to his room

"Soooo..." Kim said with an intrigued expression

"So?" I asked, already knowing what she might ask

"So Edward. How did he end up living with us?" She asked, trying to sound as nice as she can with how curious she was

"Oh, mom met him in the big house at the end of the street, the one with the always trimmed bushes. He doesn't have anyone so mom took him in. He's really nice and he's a bit shy but that's understandable, he had to adjust to so many things, and he's still adjusting...and yet he still manages to put his best foot forward, in a world he doesn't entirely understand he just somehow doesn't let it affect him"

Kim gave me a puzzled but curious look, studying every inch of my face. After a few seconds, her expression changed.

"You like him don't you," She asked, a small grin on her face now appearing more confident in her hypothesis as each second passed "You know as your sister I could arrange something"

"I don't like him" I replied as quickly as she had finished talking.

"Yeah yeah sure sure" She teased, replying matter-of-factly but in an annoyingly sarcastic tone "Oh would you look at that"

Her hand pointed to the mirror. I saw myself and her staring back. Kim with an even wider grin and myself. Even though my dark blonde hair covered most of my face I could still see how red I have gotten. great I wonder how I'll get myself out of this one.

"You don't have to explain anything to me, not just yet anyway," she said, standing up and leaving her room with the same annoying grin on her face.

She left me staring at myself in her mirror, pictures littered her mirror some stuck lazily that I could guess their literal downfall would be quite soon. Even with all the vibrant cutouts from magazines and posters that were enticing to stare at I couldn't help but to go and check if I really was that red. Sure enough, my cheeks were not painted with a light blush but a heavy crimson, nearly covering most of my lower face.

I was in disbelief, not because I couldn't see myself liking Edward; He is kind, thoughtful, caring, and so on but I couldn't believe how clueless I could be sometimes, to my feelings even. I'm still not sure. That's how I spent some of my time, sighing and staring at the mirror in my own eyes until reality felt not entirely normal and I nearly couldn't hear my mom when she walked in and started talking about a barbecue. That might be nice, something to get my mind off of what now seems complicated, thanks, Kim.


The next day I woke up at the crack of dawn.

Okay, maybe not that early but it was 6.:something am and I don't usually wake up that early, not by my own brain's decision which is why knocking on my door woke me up.

"Come in" I groggily said, wanting nothing more but the comfortable idea of sleep to embrace me.

"You look uh great, want me to wake you up later?" Kim asked, finding the view of me looking like a human burrito amusing

"no, I'm already awake, did you want something?"

"Mom told you about the barbecue right?"

"Yeah though don't remember when it is"

"It's tomorrow so mom wants us to help in the kitchen and just make everything look nice, you know it's for Edward right," She said, emphasizing his name.

"Yeah yeah" I rolled my eyes "I can make some cookies or something"

"Okay well we have to make a list soon" She pondered "Oh and just because it's your birthday soon does not mean I get my teasing rights taken away"

This is going to be just great I thought as I rolled to the other side and went back to sleep, leaving a faking-a-broken-heart sister.

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