My Life

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Hi, my name is Matthew Prinston and I am 11 years old. I live in Southern Illinois with my mom and dad and 3 siblings. My mom is a nurse at a hospital near us and my dad...well let's say he does drugs and beats up my mom and me and my siblings. I have a little brother named Ethan and sister Kayla and 1 older sister named Hailey who takes care of us, but does the same thing like my dad, she smokes, drinks alcohol non stop, has 20 piercings, and pregnant with a 1 month old baby. Even though she's suppose to be taking care of us I'm the one who's incharge when's she's out at parties and such and such. My mom doesn't do much all she does is make food and that's it. My dad, well let's say he just makes our family like how it is right now.

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