I'm Like Them Now...

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2 years passed by and my parents got divorced and my sister has another baby and she also had a miscarriage because of all the drugs she's done when she had the kid inside her. Now I've started middle school and well all my life I told myself that I would never turn into what my sister and dad is, but now middle school changed me. Now I'm like my sister I'm doing drugs and drinking alcohol. Sometimes I wonder how I became like this. Is it the influence my sister gave me? Or is it just part of the family blood? No one knows....

One day one of my best friend, Mike, asked me if I wanted to come to his youth group at 6 tonight at his church. He said that they play games, worship and learn about the bible, and that they have a lot of food. That night I entered the church and saw so many teenagers here. Instead of greeting them I went over to the food station with Mike. When it was time to worship I just sat there with my ear plugs in and listened to my music for people not to hear. When it was over I pretended that I had fun and learned so much. Mike asked if I could come next time, but I thought it was to boring so I declined his invite. But after that night, everything changed.....

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