Home At Last | Post Prison Effects on Reid

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Hey guys thank you so much for putting up with my bs. But I'm back and happier then ever❤️!

This story is about how Reid acts differently after he comes back from prison. Thanks for reading let me know if you have any prompts or suggestions. Please leave comments!

When Reid got back from prison things were basically the same. The gang was back together. Morgan had his not blood related little brother back, and he was happier then ever. Heck, the entire team was ecstatic that Reid was back, the baby of the team. Even the stone cold faced Hotch cracked a smile with Reid's return. Yet there were some things that were back to normal. They weren't big things just little pieces of prison Reid brought back home with him by accident. It had been a long day so JJ hadn't thought much of it. But they were walking back into the bullpen after a long case. The rest of the team was in the car in front of them so they were the last ones to get back. Instead of Reid opening the door for JJ like he always did (he couldn't help his manners, they came naturally) he stood by the door with his hand to his side looking down like he was waiting for something. JJ was right behind him and stood there as well assuming Reid would open the door for her like usual. But he didn't. "Hey Reid? Whatcha waiting for?" JJ asked slightly concerned. "Oh, yeah right, sorry." Reid replied suddenly looking up like he was snapped back to reality. With the reminder Reid opened the door for JJ, and they both walked in. JJ took a mental note of the occurrence to talk to the team to see if they noticed Reid's prison like behavior as well.
A different day it was 11:45 AM and everyone in the bullpen had already gone off to get some lunch. The only people left in the bullpen were Hotch and Reid, both getting some extra work done. Hotch came down from his office handing a file to Reid for him to look over and organize the papers inside. "Put this on my desk once your done." Hotch said to Reid. "Yes sir, Thank you sir." Reid replied with no emotion in his voice and then began sorting through the papers inside. Hotch was extremely confused by the proper language, the team is a family. No one addresses each other as sir or ma'am, it was unexpected. Another odd thing Hotch noticed was instead of Reid getting his usual lunch at exactly 11:45 he was working on the file like he had to or else he would get punished. Which of course he wouldn't. "Reid, you know you don't have you don't have to address me as sir. Also why don't you go get some lunch this can wait." Hotch said with slight warmth to his voice. "Oh, yeah." Reid replied looking quite embarrassed and getting up to go get some lunch. "Have a good lunch Reid." Hotch said to Reid as he walked away. Reid just turned and smiled "You too!" Hotch decided to talk to the team later to see if they have noticed anything as well. The big event that pushed this over the edge was the one time in the afternoon the fire alarm went off. Every body was working in the bull pen. Hotch and Rossi in their offices up above. The janitor was walking around balancing many different cleaning supplies and tools in her hands. She accidentally bumped into the fire alarm and of course it went off. Loud sirens blasting through the entire building. Everyone shot up to evacuate the building. Everyone but Reid. The second Reid heard the sirens his brain went into over drive "Don't get shot, get down, do as the guards say, don't get shot, get down, do as the guards say." That repeated over and over in Reid's mind as he dropped down to his knees and put his hands behind head. He squeezed his eyes shut terrified he did something wrong and he would get thrown in solitary confinement. Of course none of that would happen because he was safe with his family in the bullpen but he didn't know that. Emily, Rossi, and JJ were already out the door. But Morgan turned around wonder where Reid was considering he was always in front of him, because his desk is closer to the door and he walks fast with those lengthy legs. When he turned around concern grew in him. He saw his little "brother" on his knees hands behind his head as shut terrified and hyperventilating. Morgan ran to Reid as Hotch now saw what was happening and so did Garcia. They all ran to him, Morgan getting there first. "Hey Reid your ok man, what's wrong kid" Morgan said unable to stay calm. "PLEASE please I didn't do anything wrong don't shoot!" Reid yelled unaware of everything going on around him. "Reid, your in the bullpen your safe your home no ones going to hurt you." Hotch said staying calm unlike Garcia and Morgan. "Reid! Reid! Slow down your breathing sweetie your going to pass out!" Garcia said in an erratic but loving manner. Reid continues hyperventilating still hearing the fire alarm. "Please I promise I didn't do anything! Don't throw me in shu!" Reid yelled. "No ones going to hurt you kid please it's ok, your ok." Morgan said not knowing what to do. "What's shu?!?" Gracia asked anyone willing to answer. "Solitary confinement." Hotch answered calmly. "Oh my pore baby!" Gracia exclaimed just thinking about her Reid isolated by himself. "He won't calm down unless we get the alarm off." Hotch said. Rossi came running in scared because no one could find Reid, Hotch, or Garcia. "Whats happening?! Whats wrong with Reid?" Rossi yelled. "Dave go get this alarm turned off!" Hotch ordered figuring there was no actual danger. Rossi did as he was told just wanting to help. Soon the fire alarm came to a stop and silence fillet the bau besides Reid's hyperventilating and crying, and Morgan's and Garcias worrying. As soon as the alarm turned off Reid opened his eyes like a weight had been lifted off his shoulder. He fell back light headed from hyperventilating for so long. But Morgan caught him and slowly lowered Reid into a more comfortable sitting position. "Hey pretty boy your okay. I need you to follow my breathing. Your ok kid. Your safe with us. Your not at prison." Morgan said more calmly grabbing Reid's hand and putting it on his chest letting Reid feel his heartbeat and his chest rising and falling from calm breathing. Slowly with Morgan's help he got his breathing under control. "I'm really sorry!" Reid exclaimed embarrassed he just had a full on break down in front of some of his team mates. "It's ok Reid we're just glad your okay!" Garcia said hugging him with a more cheerful but loving voice. "I'm going to go get the rest of the team to meet up here." Rossi said going down outside to get those who evacuated already. Soon Rossi came up with JJ and Emily. "Omg Reid are you ok!? We were so worried when we couldn't find you all!" JJ said in a worried and motherly tone. "Rossi filled us in on the way up. I'm glad your ok Reid." Emily prentice said Much like Hotch, Calm and collected. "Im ok guys sorry for worrying you all. Thanks Morgan and everyone." Reid said quiet form embarrassment. "There's no need to be sorry." Rossi said and the whole team nodded and agreed. "I think we should have a talk though about how prison affect you." JJ said kindly. "I know your right, I think I'd like to talk too." Reid said giving the team a loving smile. He's so happy he's surrounded by people that's care for and love him. There truly his family.

Thank you guys so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave comments! ❤️🌍

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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