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Ohm was left wide-eyed, jaw dropped from absolute shock.

Did that just happen?

Does he have pink lukewarm slush dripping from his face onto his crisp, clean white tee?

Okay, he probably deserved some sort of retribution but how could she?!

She knew how he hated getting dirty!

His heart thundering in his chest with a mix of sadness, rage, and mortification, he stood up, tossed his drink in the trash and went straight to his car.

He wiped off what he could and took deep breaths to keep his emotions in check before they bubbled over.

After he shifted the gear to drive, he was basically on auto pilot. It wasn't until he parked and looked up did he realize where his instincts took him.

Shit, Nanon's condo.

Stupid heart. Why didn't you listen to the brain and take me to Chimon instead? 😭

But it wasn't like he had a choice.

He needed a shower, stat.

He tried to keep his head low as he crossed the lobby but the doorman recognized him instantly.

"Khun! Your friend hasn't left all day so go on ahead."

Ohm could practically hear the little winky smile at the end of that statement. He mumbled a quick thank you and tried to speed past the guy so he couldn't make out any further details of his state of distress.

Normally he'd be so excited to visit his best friend that he would just invite himself in and they would just go with the flow for the rest of the day.

They were so close and had already seen the best and the worst of each other during their Bad Buddy days that they no longer felt the need to tidy up the place excessively or even dress up in anything other than their pajamas.

Their friendship was so comfortable.

But today, he's a complete mess, inside and out, and he couldn't help feeling like it was all about to blow up in his face.

Technically, his relationship already did and that's why he was here, for a shower.

He has done this before, usually after a few hours at the gym.

No biggie.

Suck it up, and knock on the door.

It's not awkward unless you make it awkward.

"Coming!" chimed a familiar voice, one that Ohm hadn't heard since their last job together.

"Mae? Did you forget something?" Nanon opened the door to find his taller friend standing there on his welcome mat, his hand on his neck in a shy manner that is unusual for him as well as a sheepish smile. "It's you?"

"Hi," he greeted back softly.

Nanon scolded himself internally for finding his friend's boyish behavior adorable.

"Why are you here?" He finally shook off his stupor to scan him once over from head to toe, gasping when he noticed the large pink stain on his shirt. "Ohm Pawat, what happened to you?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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