Double Doomsday

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  Scene: Meh Burger, day.]

[Sonic and Amy are waiting in line at the cashier's counter.]
Sonic: Man, I am starving! Next exit: Munchytown. Population: us.
Amy: how's Sapphire?
Sonic: She's feeling better but she's still sick. Knuckles and Sticks is watching her for now.
Amy: I'll come over once we're done here.
[Just as Sonic walks up to the cashier, Dr. Eggman cuts right in front of him immediately]
Dr. Eggman: Hey, no cutsies! I was here first!
Sonic: No way, Egghead! We've been waiting!
Dave the Intern: Um, I believe the barrel-chested gentleman with the luxuriant mustache was first.
Sonic: What? Are you serious?!
Amy: Sonic, let's not make a scene.
Dr. Eggman: That's how we do it! Score one for Eggman. [Starts dancing as techno music plays. Sonic and Amy watch, unimpressed]. Just gotta flash the 'stache.

[Scene Change: Meh Burger, day.]

[Eggman is eating a burger. There are fries and a drink on his table.]
Dr. Eggman: Mmm, now that's good! How's yours over there? Oh, right. Yours isn't ready yet. Should have been faster, Sonic! [Laughs evilly]
[Dave carries a tray to Sonic and Amy's table.]
Dave: Okay, here we are. Two double Meh Burgers with extra pickles.
Sonic: I said no pickles.
Dr. Eggman: [Laughing] Oh, this is just the best day ever!
[Eggman is eating burger and then interrupted by Dave.]
Dave: [Clears throat] I'm Dave, big fan of yours, sir. I've study all of your attacks, the Bee Bot gambit, the lair gambit, the gambit gambit.
Dr. Eggman: Aw yes, that one was doubly risky. I like the cut of your jib. How'd you like to be my unpaid intern?
Dave: It'd be an honour to work for you without pay.
Dr. Eggman: Did I mention I like you jib-cut-wise?

[Scene Change: Eggman's Lair, day.]

Dave: Wow! I'm really here! Where do I start?
Dr. Eggman: Even though you're only an intern, there's an important job that I can't trust Orbot and Cubot to do.
[Eggman bring the mop to Dave.]
Dr. Eggman: Mop the bathroom.
Dave: Mop the bathroom!? Wow! Back at Meh Burger I'd have to be a manager to do that.
[Dave runs off]
Dr. Eggman: You two could learn a thing or two from this kid.
[Dave is throwing out the trash, Orbot and Cubot are spying on Dave.]
Orbot: This new intern worries my circuit, I fear that his enthusiasm for the most menial tasks causes us to appear inferior by comparison.
Cubot: Yeah, he's making us look bad too. He does more sucking up than my cousin, Suzanne, and she's a vacuum.
[Dave is secretly listening to Orbot and Cubot's complaints.]

[Scene Change: Eggman's Lair.]

Orbot: Cubot! Cubot! Cubot, where have you gone?
[Orbot goes through a door to a that leads to a dark, empty room.]
Orbot: Cubot are you there?
[Orbot turns on his built-in flashlights. Oil drips on him]
Orbot: My word…
Camera shows a trapdoor, oil dripping on the outside with a rope attached. Orbot pulls on the rope and the trapdoor opens as pieces fall out. Orbot screams. Camera shows Cubot in pieces. Orbot screams again.]

[Scene Change: Eggman's Lair, day.]

Dr. Eggman: I could build a robot to do this but there's just something about unpaid labor that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
[Dave comes upon Eggman's old Doomsday Device.]
Dave: What's this?
Dr. Eggman: Oh, just my old Doomsday Device.
Dave: It's magnificent! I bet it could destroy a hundred worlds!
Dr. Eggman: Well, maybe not a hundred, but if I connected that power supply... a one definitely.
[Orbot comes in carrying Cubot's pieces.]
Orbot: Dr. Eggman, sir, it's Cubot, he's been disassembled!
Dr. Eggman: I don't have time for you two, can't you see I'm enjoying quality time with my protege? So, where were we? Ah yes, you were praising me. You were leaving.
[Camera shows Orbot depressed as he leaves.]

[Scene Change: Tails' Workshop, day.]

Tails: Here it is, the Reverse Polarizer, it takes any force and reverses it.
[Tails flushes the toilet, uses the Reverse Polarizer. The water comes back up, falling back down and into the toilet.]
Sonic: [Carrying a plunger] Guess we won't be needing this anymore [Throws the plunger behind his back]
[A knock is heard off-screen. Camera turns to show Orbot, the plunger stuck to his head. Sonic and Tails rush to the door.]
Orbot: Hello. Odd request. Could I trouble you to reassemble my dismantled cohort? [Gestures to Cubot, who is on the floor dismantled.]

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