Alexis Lupin

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Name: Alexis Rose Lupin
House: Hufflepuff
Family: Remus (dad), Allison (mom), Teddy (half brother).
Wand: 9 1/4, oak wood,
Age: 13 1/2
Year: 3
Position on Quidditch: keeper
Best Friends: all Weasleys,trio, Skyler and Lily Black, all my characters, Neville, and Luna.
Hobbies: same as skyler and lily's.
Special Talents: Animagus (wolf)
Other: parents are divorced, dads a werewolf, moms a death eater :(, helps dad with everything even if he doesn't want her to, close with her.

A Weasley and a Black... Oh-oh Fred WeasleyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora