Chapter 1: A glass face family

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My name is Scrie C. Olatt
My mama is Saink C. Nouf. She is a stopwatch, made of brown steel and iron. She was a fair women, patient like the spring flowers waiting for the first shine of the sunlight but also strong as jacks bean stalk.

I was a mirror but with more of a foggy lens than a pure reflection. A steel backing protectiong my glass complexion.

I didn't have a father growing up, but as I looked at it I didn't really need one, my mama was always there for me.
Even though my ma was without a lover she didn't date anyone else.
Instead she dedicated all her time to raise me, teaching and care for me. She was gentle and nurturing but also was quick witted and strong. She taught me everything I needed.

Me and my mama lived by ourselves, we lived in a small little cottage in the forest, we grew plants from vegetables to peach trees. We didn't have much money so my mom earned money when she could, whether she was selling some of are extra food rations or doing some side jobs.
I tried to help a bit to from time to time.
When I was a teen I baked and sold them for some extra cash. And when I was old enough to go off a bit I went and sang a bit for small food spots.

After my first performance of singing to a public crowd I wanted to take it to the big blinding lights, the city.
Right then and there my mind was set, my dream job would be a hotshot singer in the city. And although that dream was so far away tgat even I knew it was beyond the stars, My mama still supported every story telling of my fantasy career.

By the time I was 19 my mother said she had a big surprise for me, and this surprise was something I'd never forget. I remember it crystal clear.
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"Mama, what are ya doing hehe!"
"Don't worry my little star. Keep your eyes close though until I tell you to open em."
I close my eyes and put my hands over them. I hear foot steps and shuffling for what seemed like hours.
"Hold out your hands but keep your eyes closed tight ok."
Holding out my hands I felt a light object placed on my palms.
"Ok, you can open your eyes now!"
Peaking through my eyes I see a train ticket.

", what is this for?"
"It's your special day today, you are 19 and I thought you were ready for a new chapter in your life.. So I got a train ticket for you to the city and saved up enough for you to start a life there."
My eyes filled with joy as I realized what that meant for me.

"Why thank you thank you thank you mama!"
I hugged her so tight and cried onto her, basking in the bliss of the moment. She hugged me tight as well, I felt like time stopped. Just me and my mama, happily hugging each other for what i knew was gonna be a last time for a while.

"Promise me 3 things though.
1: Make good choices, never get in a squire with the big cats. Loan sharks make even the devil scared.
2: Dont let anyone take advantage of you. Remember your worth, and if you can't remember just know I'll always be here to remind. You are always your own person.
Last but not least number 3: remember love and passion, and do what you love and what your heart tells you. Don't let anyone change that ok.
You'll do great things, I know it..."
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That day she dropped me off at the train station, I saw her wave goodbye and she held back tears of loss but also pride. I knew I would keep in touch with her no matter what, but like she said on that day it was time I start a new chapter in my life.

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