Chapter 36: Fuck you

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"Are you out of your mind Elena!" Jimin shouted

"Why are you shouting at me Jimin? You liked it" she said

Y/n stood up and about to leave

"Babe wait!" Jimin shouted following her then she looked back at Elena

"Fuck you!"

"Y/n, please believe me I wouldn't do that to you, please listen to me" he pleaded

"Some part of me wanted to believe you Jimin, but some don't. Please give some time to think" she said and left while Jimin is left sobbing

Jimin entered the condominium his head lowered

He can't believe what is happening, the other day y/n and him is just a sweet couple but now their relationship is being torn by Elena

Their problem could've been solve by now if Elena didn't lie to y/n. If only she didn't maybe they don't have to be like this


Months passed after the two sperated, neither both of them called it a break up

Both are working tirelessly everyday to forgot about what happened. Y/n is focusing on modelling overseas. She cutted all contacts she had in Korea, even her friends

Jimin's employees are having the toughest time right now as Jimin seemed to change. His bright personality wasn't their, his smile is gone, everything about him is gone. Even his beloved girlfriend is gone

And about Elena, Jimin fired her. Jimin carried a big hatred towards her, because of Elena, y/n is gone

Jimin bought the club where him and y/n usually hang out before. And after work he'll go there to check

Jimin is still on his office outfit when he arrived at the club

"Ted how's the club going?" He asked the manager

"The customers are always plenty Mr. Park. Our bar tender entertain our customers well sir" he said Jimin just nodded

He saw two familiar man on the table

"Hey Jimin!" We haven't seen for months now. How are you doing?" Taehyung greeted

"Nothing special is happening tae" he replied giving him a short smile

"Jimin have you and y/n talked?" Hobi asked

"Since she left, we didn't have a talk" Jimin replied

"Here's the invitation card to our wedding" Hobi said giving him the invitation

"Congratulations to you and Momo" he said

"Be sure to come Jimin!" Hobi said and Jimin left the two

"Jimin got a lot skinnier though" Taehyung noticed

"Yeah, noticed that too, and he's usual glow weren't there anymore"

What would they expect? Jimin lost the live of his life

"If only y/n is here and listened to him" hobi added

"I hope Jimin didn't heard about y/n's dating issue in France" Taehyung said

"Wait did you invite y/n to your wedding?" Tae asked

"Kook told him, still wasn't sure if she'll come" Hobi replied


Elena is auditioning at a modelling agency right now and to her luck, she passed

After so many bad things she had done to Jimin and Y/n she still had the luck of getting accepted at the audition

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