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"I absolutely love this.." Y/n sighs, leaning her head against Taehyung's shoulder as she takes a moment to admire the peaceful grayish tint in the clouds, the rain pouring down with a pitter patter on the clean streets right outside their patio.

"And I love you" Taehyung retorts with a lovely smile, wrapping his right arm around her to pull her in for a side hug as a small blush paints her face before she whispers out a small 'me too babe'.

He stares down at her, adoring the way she shyly goes back to reading the novel in her hand, hands fidgeting with the pages, trying to distract herself from the butterflies by making a tiny dog ear with the page although she would definitely hate the crease it was bound to leave later.

There's a gust of cold wind that blows, making them shiver, the hammock they are seated in rocking side to side. Taehyung pulls Y/n closer, cuddling her as if to shield her from the cold rain as she takes his large hand in her smaller palm, squeezing it comfortably.

"Your hands are soo cold. How come you're not freezing your ass off right now?" Y/n asks indignantly with a laugh to which he simply shrugs, chuckling lightly.

"Ahh. I wish we could stay like this forever.." Y/n sighs out, a warm smile gracing her face.

"Mhmm" Taehyung agrees, thoughts wandering about, imagining a life with her, forever. He loved the idea. The thought had occurred to him many times over the last 3 years, but he had always pushed it away, scared that it would be too early for her, scared of rejection even though she had never given him a reason to doubt her.

However, right now, there weren't any of those silly insecurities that filled his heart, not enough room with all the love and care for her that occupies it instead.

Forever sounds beautiful..


Dreamy. That's what Taehyung thinks the situation before him looks like. Seated opposite to him is Y/n, a perfectly frilled maroon summer dress adorning her, the beautiful locket he had gifted her on their 2nd year anniversary complementing the floral design on her dress elegantly, eyes sparkling bright with the reflection of the fairy lights hung in beautiful strings around the fancy diner they were at as she smiles at the waitress, letting her know that the dinner was delightful.

It was a wonder as to how merely watching her smile could make him feel like a teenage boy all over again. Palms sweaty, anxious chatter eating away at his mind as he goes over the small speech he prepared and rehearsed over a million times in front of the mirror, trying to perfect every single word and expression, wanting to be the man she would want to spend the rest of her life with.

Taehyung watches as she gets up to leave, only to see her stop once she notices him not moving from his seat. Sitting back with a frown, she speaks.

"Is everything alright Taehyung-ah?" Y/n asks once she notices his tense, nervous demeanor.

He is about to respond with a 'yes, don't worry' before getting up. However, he doesn't. Instead, he responds truthfully.

"I- I just have something to say"

"Ok.." Y/n voices out, nodding her head with a smile despite being anxious since his tone didn't give way to any hints as to what he wanted to speak about.

This was it. The moment where he would speak with confidence. Be her prince charming. The one and only.

But no. He is robbed off of his words when she looks into his eyes, waiting for him to speak. It was as if the short monologue he prepared never existed. Speechless.

That's when he realizes something mesmerizingly beautiful. He realizes how that beautiful smile of hers represents his happiness. How those beautiful eyes of hers leave him wordless. How she represents, no, is his world.

She doesn't deserve mere words that he had memorized from a piece of paper, even if he spent hours, days writing them! No. If he was going to do this, he was going to do it from the heart. Truthfully. No matter how 'un-princely' or 'imperfect' it might sound.

"There's no, uh, right way for me to tell you this"

"It's alright. Go on babe" Y/n smiles, though anxious, unsuspecting.

"There's no right way for me to tell you about this because there's too much for me to say." Taehyung smiles nervously as Y/n listens intently, still anxious.

"I can go on and on about the million, tiny reasons that I've fallen for your eyes." He confesses truthfully, sure of his next words and moves as he sees her smile lovingly. 

"I can go on and on about the million little reasons that I'm in love with your smile. In love with you" Y/n feels her eyes tear up once she understands where he's going with this. She knows what he is going to say next, and she knows what her answer will be.

Taehyung's hand reaches into the inner pocket of his dark blue coat, pulling out a small, black box. "But, there's only one way for me to say that I want to spend the rest of my life with you Y/n" A tear trickles down Y/n's smiling face, and Taehyung wipes it away to which she giggles with a sniffle.

"So, Y/n" Taehyung finally breaks into a bright smile as he stands up from his seat and walks over to her, gently taking her hand in his. He opens the box to reveal a graceful silver ring, a small diamond delicately placed on it.

"Will you marry me?"

Y/n had always thought of marriage as a fragilely strong bond. If one was lucky and wise, it could bring immense joy, and peace to a person. To have their loved one willing to be there for them through every step in their life from that sacred moment, sharing both happiness, and suffering. What better person to spend life with, than the one who brought out the best in her? What better person to be with, than him?

"Yes!" She cries out with a smile and a nod of her head, tears of joy streaming down her face as she gets up from her chair to engulf Taehyung in a tight hug, who gladly scoops her into his arms, laughing.

"I love you so much.."

"Me too babe... Me too." Taehyung whispers back lovingly.

A roar of applause rings through the diner as he slips the ring on to her finger, a smile gracing his face once she hugs him again delightedly, uncaring of the audience they now had, too engrossed in the happiness she felt.

This was it. The forever that she had always wished for.

And it's beautiful..


Hey lovelies. Yet again, saw a picture of Tae on Pinterest and came up with this drabble.

Hope you like it!

This is a thankyou gift for the 1.5k views on Open Books!

I sincerely thank you.

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With luv,

Author G


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