Chapter 01

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. Prologue .

Part : 01


( - " Honey , I'm going out ! " exclaimed a female voice as the owner of the voice held a helmet in her hand and opening the door of her house .

- " at this hour ?? Don't you think it's a bit late for a rally ?? " came the replies of a male voice , coming from what seemed to be the living room as he walked to his wife .

- " Oh please ~ it's never late for a rally ! Now don't worry , I've been doing this for years now ! " replied the woman as she playfully kissed him on the cheek .

- " plus I promise to be extra careful ! " she added while giving her brightest smile , which , as always , convinced her husband , who sighed in defeat .

- " alright then ... but don't you dare fail that promise ! I don't even want to imagine getting the news of something horrible happening to you because of recklessness ! " he told her as he took her in his arms and hugged her , she hugged back .

" awww , don't worry Vlad . Your wife isn't as easy to break as she looks like ! " she replied as she gave him another kiss on the cheek as she made her way outside .

- " remember ! Be careful , and don't come back home late ! I'll be waiting for you ! " he said/shouted as she got on her motorcycle and putted on her helmet .

- " Roger that ! "

She started the engine and drove off , not before a last wave at her husband , and started driving in the empty streets .


Not only she didn't keep her promise , but she totally messed up .

While she was driving in empty streets , she thought it would be a good idea to do a speed up , so Alicia being Alicia , she did speed up .

Unfortunately , a truck of robbers was driving at full speed , trying to escape the police's car which was driving behind them .

And at the crossroad , the two engines didn't find time to react as they collided , and a huge explosion could be heard from afar .

The police arrested the surviving robber while classified the case as an accident , and to the world's shock , Alicia Jelavic was the victim of this tragedy .

Her funeral was something to remember , people from the hole world came to pay their respects . Her parents and husband were devastated , like pretty much everyone , even her dogs cried that day .

But what everyone ignores up until now , her soul didn't travel to great heaven , nor fell down in hell , it was sent to accomplish her failed destiny )

It's been a few hours , maybe days , weeks , months ? Since Alicia's body was buried , and the woman's soul was now aimlessly floating in the black void , empty from everything. The only source of light was the soul itself , which didn't help much to see the surroundings .

The soul didn't seem to mind the situation it's in tho , because she knew that sooner or later , something will happen , she doesn't know what , but she definitely knows , she just feel it .

" but this does actually mean I'm not dying from boredom .. oh wait , I'm actually dead ... I wonder how Vlad reacted to my death , he must've went all out with shouting and raging and maybe even cursing me " said the soul in a whispered voice , she sounded amused , yet pained in the same time . She never wished for death , she never wanted to hurt anyone , especially not her dear parents and her husband .

And after what seemed to be an eternity , something does happen , and something big .

Writings started to appear around the light , in a way that reminded the soul of technological theories and shows , and it showed some writings that the soul read as " your wish will be granted "

" what is that supposed to mean ? My wish will be granted ? If that's true then I wish to reborn in the world of Detective conan where I become shinishi's older sister with no idea how many years and help him defeat the black organization and be part of all the drama ! " she said as she chuckled in the end .

" as if this is even possible , don't joke with meh ya know ! " she added as she was suddenly blinded by a bright light , but if slowly faded away as it was replaced by the dark void again .

" again , don't mess with meh ! I literally know my wish is impossible to make bu-" she was suddenly cut off with sounds , it was muffled , but it was there .


Alicia doesn't know how much time has passed , but it was very long .

She had gotten used to hear those voices , it made her feel all warm inside , she always felt happy when the mysterious voices talked to her . She never knew what they said , nor to whome they were talking , but they were there , and it was enough for her to feel happy .

The sudden louder volume of the voices did startle her , she didn't know what was going on , but it kind of made her panic , okay not kind of , literally made her panic .

What surprised her more was the fact of a sudden crying voice making its way in her earshot .

" wh-who is crying ? " She asked herself as she tried to brush it away , in vain as it became worse .

' j-just shut up already !! Stop freaking CRYING !! '

Suddenly -again- , a light appeared and blinded the soul , it made the black void vanish only to be remplaced by much clearer sight , yet it took her a few minutes to adjust to the sudden change .

Once she wasn't blinded anymore , she slowly opened her now eyes and met the sight of a titan Kudo Yusaku and Kudo Yukiko .

' what the actual @#!%\°# ?!? ' she thought as she had wide eyes while staring at them , and eventually , they were staring back .

' what the hell is going on ?! Am I dreaming ?! Wait ... That's impossible since I'm dead ... Did .. did ... ' her eyes became very wide as she understood what was going on around her .

' I ACTUALLY GOT MY WISH GRANTED ?! ' She didn't know if she should be happy or not right now but .. something was for sure , she was going to have a lot of fun ...


Or not ?


To be continued ...

Written : 27 / 04 / 2022

Published : 12 / 05 / 2022

Word count : 1042

-by Mizunashi Mika

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