'Being royalty, People expect your life to be perfect You can't be sad, You can't frown You always have to have a perfect smile People will not hesitate to guilt you if you look slightly unhappy while in their view

 'What? Too good to talk to your people?'

 'Little bitch must think she's too good, don't ya wanna talk to us? We do nothing but love you!''

 But, maybe that is just my experience as a princess I doubt other ones get abused by their parents My parents are queen and king, They are so loved and respected, No one knows that they are constantly abusing me, And my little sister They only care about atlas, Due to him being the heir'

 I stare out of my window as I stop writing in my journal, It may sound childish but to me, It feels nice to let it out since no one would truly listen to me

 'Jaelyn! Get down here' My father's loud voice echoes through the old castle as he calls for me 'What now?' I think to myself as I walk downstairs to the kitchen 'There you are! 'My father says with my mother standing by his side, Holding atlas in her arms 'Yes sir?' I ask him as I fiddle with my hands 'Get ready to go out, You can't be seen looking like such a slob, Or do you want people to think badly about us?'

 I nod my head no and go back to my room, Changing out of my pajamas, Putting on a sleeveless, Light Blue turtleneck and a pale-tan skirt with white tights underneath I finish putting on my tan heels After brushing my wavy brown hair and styling it, I head downstairs to meet my father, mother and siblings by the front entrance I walk to the door and my father places my sister onto the ground His hand pulls back, he smacks me across the face, My head turns as my hand covers where his connected 'You took 40 fucking minutes My father said before leaving the castle I stand in shock as I gather my thoughts One of his biggest rules. Don't Keep Me Waiting For More Than 30 Minutes I stupidly forgot to look at the time, I follow after them and get into the car

 My parents fight as I play with my siblings, trying to distract them from the yelling This is unfair to them, They shouldn't go through this 'Sir? Where are we even going?' I ask my father as I place down the toy dino 'I have a place to be, You will sit outside and entertain your siblings while I and your mother do queen and king business' My father says harshly, I nod and go back to playing with the younger kids — 

We reached the building and I was left with a 2 and 4-year-old to watch over, How fun.. 'Sissy! I'm bored!' My little sister, Abbie says to me while an whine at the end I sign and grab the hands of both of them, Walking them over to a local ice-cream parlor 'Ooo! I want a sundae!" Abby stated excitedly as she jumped up and down 'What do you want, Atlas?' 

I kneel and ask my baby brother 'Coco' He mumbled 'Chocolate?' He nods happily with a silly smile and giggles as I stand and order the ice cream, Sitting with them at a booth as we wait I ask them about their kid shows

 I truthfully hated atlas, I blamed him for the reason my parents treated us the way they do Though that's a lie, They have always known they would have a boy, This was nothing caused by him 

Our ice cream is given to us on the house due to our status, I tried to insist but the waiter brushed me off 

'M'lady! I hear a man say as I look up behind Abbie's seat and see him standing there, Slightly bent into a bow, An smirk covering his face 'Hello?' I say with a nervous tone The man stands up straight and our eyes meet His light brown eyes meeting my blue ones, It made it feel as if we were the only people there But that was short-lived

 'Sissy! That man has a bun!' Abbie shouts as she points at the man I lay down my spoon onto a napkin and cross my hands onto the table as I look up at the man 'I am so sorry-' I started to apologize until I was cut off by deep laughter 'Yeah! Do ya like it?' He crouches to be eye-level with her, She giggles and nods her head yes 

'No need to apologize for her, She's adorable' He shoots me a warm smile and I could feel the heat going to my cheeks 'They're yours, Yeah?' He asks me as he glances towards the two toddlers My eyes go wide before I stumble over my words 'Oh-uh- Yeah- No!'' He chuckles before asking 'Didn't think it would be that hard to answer...You are the princess though, Yeah? 

'Oh yeah, I am I say with a slight smile as I grab cash to place under the sundae bowl as a tip 'Let me pay for it' He offers 'Yeah? Why?' I ask with a slight sigh 'You seem like you had a rough day..' He says as he places his hand on his cheek, Mimicking the handmark that must still be visible on my face 'Thank you..' I say as I stand up, Taking the hands of the kids as I get ready to leave

 'Wait, Jaelyn right?' The man asks as he places his hand on my shoulder 'I'm Elijah 'Nice to meet you I turn to say to him with A smile before walking away 'See ya another time!" Elijah shouts –

 As we almost reach the building my parents are at, I check the time to realize we were gone for about an hour, That made me nervous as I heard our driver honk once we got into eye-sight of the car I walk to the car and help my siblings into it before getting in

 'We waited an hour for you, Tried calling and everything!" My mother shouts at me as I keep my head low

 'The meeting was canceled' My father added in 'Daddy!' Abbie waddles to him, Trying to climb onto his lap before he strikes her, causing her to fall onto the floor of the limo-like car 'What the fuck!" I shout at him as I pick her up and hold her, Rubbing her back to calm her down 'Don't scream at me like that' My father says 'Fuck you!" I shout to him, tears forming in my eyes due to anger, He could hit me all he liked but Abbie is only 4 years old He stays quiet the whole trip back home 


(1158 words)

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