Chapter 4

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As the two of you walk through the forest, you ask Red Velvet how he knew the way. "Gingerbrave... That cookie. He told me the directions from my tower here. I got it down and he said I could come over any time I liked. He has no problem with me, but the others might. So that's why I'm so reluctant," he answered as he turned left, leading you to a pathway that was much more familiar to you. "Oh! The path I took earlier!" You exclaimed. "Careful, it could possible be wrong, but it should be right from my memory..." he muttered as he took you down the path. Finally, after a couple more turns, the kingdom came to sight. A couple cookies were in front of the doorway, including Eclair and Espresso, two of the strongest cookies in the kingdom.

"That's where you live right?" "Yeah!" "Well, I'll be off. Nice talking to you Y/N," "W-Wait!"
You called at the last minute, trying to be as soft as possible. Red Velvet jerked his head back and raised an eyebrow. "Could we possibly... be friends?" You asked. "Yeah, sure I guess. You know how to get to the tower right? Or do I need to pick you up at night to talk sometimes?" "Just meet me in the forest sometimes I guess," "Okay, bye I guess,"

Red Velvet left, as you went over to the doorway.
"Y/N! Your back! We thought you were a goner! We were going to send someone to look for you! We can tell Gingerbrave the good news!" Eclair called out as he opened the door. You nod as you go into the castle with the two, who were continually asking if you were okay, especially after seeing a small cut on your face.
"Did some cookie or something hurt you?" They were asking. Ah, you didn't realise it, but you had gotten a scar when you were fighting with Red Velvet. "Ah, I tripped and got cut," you quickly lied as you got into the town.

Many cookie were asking if you were okay and Herb was brought out to heal the injury. "There, all fixed. Be more careful next time Y/N," Herb said as he placed a bandage on your face gingerly. "Thank you Herb..." You muttered as you got off the soft bench. He nodded and waved goodbye. "You should go get some dinner! You just be hungry!" Herb added before you left. You nodded before stepping out the garden.
And who did you sit next to for dinner, for some odd reason, you asked Frost Queen Cookie.
"Ah... Very well then. I'm free at the moment... a scarce opportunity, so alright. But only this one time," she had reluctantly agreed. As you both sat down, you ordered some food and asked her if she wanted anything. "Mhm, I suppose some stew won't be bad," she muttered so you told Parfait (insert headcanon that she helps out at the Jampire diner sometimes) and dropped several coins on the table which Parfait took. What did you order, the candy pasta. It was good, and you didn't know what to eat. So when both of your food came, you said your thanks and dug in. Frost Queen was silent the entire time. A stern look on her face. You caught her staring at some of the kids playing. "Ah..? Frost Queen, do you by any chance like kids?" You asked. "Kids? No. They are quite bothersome and can be a pain in the neck. But it is nice watching them play sometimes," she answered almost harshly at first, but her tone softening at the second part. You nodded as you slurped your pasta. "What about you. I can tell that you ran into someone or something when you were gone. That scar is definitely not caused by a fall," Frost Queen commented coldly. She seemed to see through your lies so easily it was scary. "Ah... I actually did meet a cookie. We became friends though!" You answered. "I see. Well, my lips are sealed and I better get going. Thank you for inviting me I suppose," she said before leaving. Typical Frost Queen Cookie.

You finished your food before leaving, and going back to your home. It was a mess as always, books belonging from Alchemist, Espresso, Latte and Wizard scattered all over the floor. Books you read several times, trying to find an answer to why you had no fixed skill or ability. They provided you no answers and even shrouded your head with more mystery and confusion. You didn't bother reading today and plopped onto the couch and pulled out the little game console you have. Biscuit Dash. Ah, a nice game. You saw that Strawberry was online and joined her game, and starting competing with her. In the chat, you were chatting with her.
The chat

Y/N: Great game strawberry!
Strawberry: Yeah. It was fun playing with you Y/N.
Y/N: Yeah, but your much better at me in the game!
Strawberry: Haha... Thanks.
Y/N: Hey, but I have a question.
Strawberry: Mhm? You can ask me anything,
Y/N: If I became friends with one of the cookies of
darkness... Would we still be friends?
Strawberry: Ah... As long as you don't join them and
they don't hurt you and your happy, then
yeah! We'll still be friends!
Y/N: Thanks! Though, please come to my house. I
need to break something to you.

You don't know what made you think that would be a good idea, but you did it anyways. So when Strawberry came to your house, you let her in and started to talk.
"So... What is it you want to say..?" Strawberry asked you.


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