{Chapter 5}

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3rd Person POV:


Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing to see what was going on but all they could see were the Tomlinson twins standing next to a group of guys that were surrounding someone. They couldn't tell who because the person in the middle seemed to be short in height, but by many people's guess the men had found their omega, making the women in the room aww out at them.

Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Harry did not let go of Niall until everyone had left the room only leaving them and the twins. Niall was enjoying the embrace of his mates and was slightly sad when they pulled away. The four older mates pulled away slightly and stared at their omega for a few moments before speaking. "I'm Liam and I'm an alpha." "I'm Zayn and I'm an alpha." I'm Louis and I'm a beta." "I'm Harry and I'm a beta." They took turns telling who they were until it was Niall's turn, "I'm Niall and I'm an omega." Niall said while blushing looking from mate to mate. The four men cooed at their omega making him blush even more and duck his head down.

The five-person couple sat down in one corner of the dance studio so they can talk for a little. Ally and Ashton decided to work on their dances they had learned from the past two days of rehearsal while they talked. Lucky for the boys, the twins were okay with staying longer and listened to their brother about not putting the music to loud. The five mates were sitting in a small circle with their knees touching each other's. They all sat looking at each other for a few minutes before Liam broke it, "What about we take turns introducing ourselves but this time we say our age, rank, hometown, career (including how long we have been doing that job), and a favorite thing to do in our free time?" he suggested. All four agreed and chose Harry to go first followed by Louis, Liam, Zayn, and last Niall.

"Okay. As I have already said, I'm Harry Styles, twenty-eight years old, and my rank is beta. I am originally from Holmes Chapel but moved here when I got offered a teaching job. That was three years ago and I am still teaching at the same school. In my free time, I like baking." Harry rambled out the facts about himself. "What subject and grade do you teach? If you don't mind me asking." Niall asked once Harry was done introducing himself. Harry got a big smile going across his face because of Niall asking that. He was happy that Niall was noticed that he didn't say the grade and subject and asked so he could know. "I teach fourth grade science." Harry said, keeping the smile on his face that only grew when Niall got smiley and clapped a little bit while saying science was his favorite subject in school.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson, twenty-five years old, and I am ranked as a beta. I was born in Doncaster born and raised. My chosen career is a surgeon. I graduated high school at fourteen. Finished getting my bachelor's degree and med school at twenty. I completed my residency right at the five-year mark and have been a fully licensed surgeon for a year now. My number one favorite downtime activity is playing video games, I spend all day stressed so it is nice to just get home and zone out on the screen to decompress." Louis said his facts. While Louis was talking about his job Niall couldn't help but notice the spark in his eyes, he could tell that Louis loved what he did even if it did stress him out saving lives all day. "Do you only do certain surgeries or do you take care of anyone who walks through the door?" Niall asked the 'genius' as he will now nicknamed Louis. "I favor brain surgery and pediatrics, but if we have an overflow of patients come in at around the same time then I will grab at least one of those cases to help take some heat off the other surgeons." Niall immediately admired that Louis was such a selfless person and seems to help people whenever he could.

"My name is Liam Payne, I'm thirty years old, and my rank is alpha. I am from Wolverhampton and I work for the FBI. Before I started to work for the bureau I went to college full time to study criminology and phycology. They liked my degrees and hired me, now it is six years and I am one of the top field agents for the branch of the bureau that is located here. I like to play a bit of soccer when I have time away from work. A few months ago, I never had time to play so the boys surprised me by getting a net and setting it up in the backyard so I can at least kick the ball a bit and not have to drive around to find an open field every time I want to play around with the ball." Liam tells about himself to Niall since the other boys already knew that kind of stuff. "I wish I can still play soccer, I kind of miss it." Niall says while looking at Liam with a small smile.

"Why can't you play soccer?" Liam asked the Irish boy in front of him. "I started dancing for a dance company when I was maybe nine or ten. The instructor pulled me to the side one day and said she saw me having a future in dance but she was talking to my mom and found out that I played soccer too. She said that she cannot let me continue to work higher into the company if I didn't drop my other sports and focus strictly on dance. I made a choice to keep dance and drop everything else. Since that day I haven't stepped foot on a pitch or court." Niall told the men in front of him with a shrug of his shoulders at the end. Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn felt bad for their little mate that he had to make a choice that big when he was only a little boy. The only thing that made them feel better about Niall being forced to choose was that he obviously chose the right one to stick with. After a minute, they continued with the introducing game they had been playing.

"I'm Zayn Malik, twenty-nine years old, and I am an alpha. I hail from Bradford but moved here when I was eighteen. I went to college but dropped out after two years. I thought college would be great, way better than high school, but I was wrong. I learned one thing though and that is that me and school of any kind don't mix. At the age of twenty I joined the bomb squad, over the years have risen through the ranks and now lead my own team. Since I had taken over in leading our team success rate has doubled and out of all six teams mine has the highest number of saves. Working with almost all the same people for nine years means we all formed a kind of brotherhood that is great to have rather you are bored to death in the office or clipping the wires to stop a bomb from exploding. Due to having my life on the line almost daily I like to paint a canvas or spray paint the walls of my art room, it's relaxing." Liam's job already worried Niall but now knowing that Zayn works around bombs for his everyday job made Niall's heart speed up and not in a good way.

"Have you ever been hurt by the bomb?" Niall asked in a soft voice. He had tears pooling in his eyes at the thought of Zayn being hurt. Since Zayn was right next to Niall, he quickly picked up the small upset boy and placed him in his lap. Zayn started to whisper in Niall's ear to calm him down while the other three sat back. They wanted to help soothe the boy but knew only Zayn could fix this problem. Five minutes later Niall was better but was still in Zayn's lap. "If it helps you feel better, I only got hurt once. It was years ago, when I first started out, it was just some shrapnel that hit me when a bomb went off and made a lot of sharp objects that shot out of the smoke. Now I am the leader of a team. That means that I stay outside with walkie talkies almost every time we get a call. I run everything from the outside. I am the safest member on that team, ok?" Zayn tells the pale boy in his lap. Niall nodded his head at Zayn to say he understands. It took a minute of the men starring at Niall for him to understand that it was his turn, here goes nothing.

"Well, I'm Niall Horan. I am twenty-one years old and obviously an omega. My hometown is Mullingar. It's obvious what my job is, but I'll tell you anyways. I am a choreographer, I have worked been making choreography for Disney movies since I was nineteen, so about two years. I have worked on maybe four movies with the company but this movie is actually the first time I had kids younger that Louis' sisters so my afternoon rehearsals with the kiddos have been kicking my butt. I worked as a choreographer in the dance center I learned at then I did a deal for one movie with a different company. People from Disney saw the work I did and got in touch with the director from the movie. The director told the people that I came up with all of the choreography. Once they found out that I did everything myself and my age they were in shock. we had a meeting and Disney has been hiring me for every live action musical movie they have put into production since. My favorite thing to do during my downtime is I guess watching cartoons and exercising?" I tell them the important facts about me.

"What do you mean you guess?" Liam questions the blond-haired boy. "I'm always dancing or exercising to stay in shape for dancing or putting together new dances for the future. When I do have a day away from dancing, which usually ends up on Sundays, all I do is sleep in and order greasy food that I shouldn't even think of eating while I stay in bed." Niall tells his mates like it was no big deal. They decided not to press him on it and to move on to another topic. The conversation continued to flow until Ally and Ashton walked over to tell Louis that they are hungry and ready to go home. The boys give each of their numbers to Niall and Niall said his number out loud so they could all put it in their phones. They all hugged each other goodbye promising that they would text later so they could see if they can meet up again tomorrow. Everyone went their separate ways in the parking lot and continued on with the rest of their day like it was normal other than the fact none of them can stop smiling. The boys smiling because they finally found their missing piece. Niall smiling because he not only has one mate like he always thought but he has four. As Niall has always been told, "the more the merrier."


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