1: Rush PT 1

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Third Person POV

Rick Mason, birth name, Riccardo Romero, Gold Rush The Thieving Speedster of Central City, laid injured and bloodied in the sand of the Sahara Desert.

His suit, damaged heavily, his faceplate half destroyed revealing part of his mouth, as blood ran down his nose.

"Now, Now, Riccardo...you can't die on me now..." A voice says in front of him and lifts his head with the blade of a scythe, forcing him to look up at a shadowy figure with red eyes.

"You and I...are just getting started." The figure claims then Rick's view start to darken as the figure raises his scythe, and swings down.

Central City: Apartment Complex

"AHHHHH!" Rick Mason screams out, sitting up, fear evident in his eyes, till he took in his surroundings, and sees he's safe, and on his couch.

"...Fucking dreams." Rick says, annoyed and swings his legs off the couch and gets into a seated position.

He then runs a hand through his hair, looking around his apartment, seeing all the jewelry, paintings and artifacts he had lying around.

"I should really hide those..." Rick states to himself then quickly turns his attention to the door as there were several knocks followed by a angry voice.


*SIGHS* "Right now, then." Rick groans and within a second, all his "acquired" belongings were put up and well hidden as Rick then walked over to his door and opened it, a annoyed look on his face.

"Morning, sir." Rick greets, and the old man sneers, giving him an annoyed look.

"Listen here, and listen good, kid. This better be the last goddamn time you wake up everybody in this building or-" The old man starts and Rick shrugs then slams the door in his face.

"Yeah, Yeah, Get fucked in the ass old man." Rick states then his phone starts ringing and he zips around his apartment, looking for it until he finds it in a pizza box and answers.

"Yo? Oh, sup Axel? No, I just woke up, why? Another job for me? Kay. Wait, fucking Keystone? Ahh shit...no I can do it, just...I'm gonna run into someone. Who? You know him. Well, I'm bout to head out. Also, tell Snart I'll be there for the hangout. Yes, I'm sure...this time. Bye." Rick says and ends the call.

Then in a few moments, he zipped from his bathroom to closest and lastly his door, completing his routine and now dressed in one of his casual outfits.

Then in a few moments, he zipped from his bathroom to closest and lastly his door, completing his routine and now dressed in one of his casual outfits

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Rick then opens the door, the old man still standing there and he simply passes him, putting in his earbuds.

"YOU LITTLE PIECE OF-" The old man starts and Rick whistles, blocking him out and starts walking down the stairs.

Gold Rush: The Thieving Speedster (SLOW UPDATING/Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now