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Shravya is lying on Adhyay's chest and is unable to sleep at all. She is constantly making circles on his chest with her finger. She does not understand at all, whatever happened was done intentionally by someone or it happened by mistake because somewhere she also feels that Shalini accidentally fell due to her hard push and that man was terrified because of her sudden fall because she was hurt so he ran away to save himself.

Adhyay has been realizing for a long time that she is upset but is waiting with his eyes closed for to Shravya let him know if there is any problem. But she is in her own world, where she is only thinking and thinking.

"Is there any problem Saanjh…"

Suddenly hearing his voice, Saanjh panics because she thought that he had fallen asleep.

"You are awake…."

"Hmm, Your hands are not letting me sleep."

He chuckles, she also smiles at this, and he asks her in a very concerned tone.

"What happened…"

"I disturbed your sleep ….. Nothing just worried about Shalini and …. Let's sleep now…."


"Nothing, I am sorry I disturbed you…. "

"Saanjh what's the matter…"

" I felt that someone was watching me regularly in the mall like follow by someone, even when I went to the changing room, I felt that maybe someone was there…."

Adhyay suddenly turns to see Shravya. He is a little bit angry that Shravya didn't tell him earlier so he tells her immediately.

"Why didn't you tell me about this matter earlier, I would have gone and checked myself in that mall at the same time."

"It's my doubt Adhi, not confirmed, Then Shalini suddenly had an accident, so just the brain stopped working at that time and I even forget what I was feeling I am just worried about Shalini….."

"Fine, I will check all the CCTV footage tomorrow don't take any tension…"

"Adhi, maybe it's my doubt…"

"But I want to confirm…."

"Adhyay…. Why are you so protective ...."

"Because I don't know anything else…"

Adhyay kisses her forehead and starts caressing Shravya's head lightly so that she can sleep, but now he has lost sleep completely and he is not able to sleep at all. She knows he is not going to sleep now, she is very tense about it.

On the second day, Adhyay along with his team is sitting in the CCTV footage monitor room of the mall. There his team is doing a lot of checking very well. But nowhere he did not find the doubt Shravya had, so he is very confident and tells himself.

"Shravya was right, maybe she would have doubts….."

Adhyay comes to his house free from all these things. There is absolute peace, if anyone drops a pin there, anyone can hear that voice. He does not understand where all the people have gone suddenly, he comes to his room and stands at the door seeing the atmosphere there.

Dadi is standing there is a tuxedo in her hand seeing which he starts looking at Dadi.

"Golu, you are a grown-up now, you know how to dress. Take it and wear it. Well, I will not make you wear it…."

"Where are we going and where is my wife…."

"My husband kidnapped your wife…. For a party…."

"What…. Dadu is not going to leave my wife for a long time now… "

Finding Love In An Arranged Marriage(Completed)✅Where stories live. Discover now