|Charpter 12|

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"Get all the guns pack in the van and also ammo just in case okay." I said sternly. "Yes boss." Everyone said at the same time.

Today is the day I get my love back and find out who the hell the Blackout's are. I have all my men coming in because I'm not fucking messing around like they think. I'm not a weak bitch like them, I'm not the one fucking hiding for no God damn reason.

I'm fucking coming and it's going to be a whole fucking war out there. They don't know what bound to happen. I'll kill them for everything they did. I'm not playing around anymore I wasn't even playing the first time, this is not a game that they think it is not to me.

"Everything is packed up boss." One of my men said bring me out of my train of thought. I simply just nod at them and get in the SUV.

I put my ear peace in so I can hear everyone while Matteo and Archer come into the SUV. "You ready boss?" The driver said.

"Go." Is all I say and the car starts to move. "Matteo starting hacking the cameras so that way we can get in there faster."

"Yes sir." Matteo grabs his computer and does whatever tech thing he need to do.

We finally get there and the plan goes into to play. I get out of the car and grab guns and knifes. I grab extra ammo just in case.

"Matteo the cameras are down right." He nods while grabbing his stuff.

"Violet just give us the cue."

"Yes boss."

After about ten minutes I hear Violet again. "Boss there wasn't a lot of guys outside I think they know."  How the fuck do they know did they all ready have this planned. Fucking shit.

"Are you sure Violet."

"Yes I'm sure there was only 5 guys outside normally there's like 20 or 30 but no it was 5. I feel like something's wrong boss."

"Don't worry your not the only one." I signed.

I guess we keep going. "Everyone around the perimeter now." I growled. "Make sure nothing goes wrong or else." They all nod and run to their positions. "Everyone there?"

I hear yes and yeah. So me, Archer and Matteo go towards the house. Matteo knocks and me and Archer look at him. "What you always knock before you go into a house."

"Bitch said who the president." I say. He rolls his eyes and I go in front I turn around and look at Matteo. "Would you like to knock again they didn't answer the first time." He pushes me and I just turn back around.

I kick down the door I look to the right no one in front no one then my left.

My heart dropped.

What no


Their dead their not here their dead their underground not here.


"Hi sweetheart what you doing." My mother asked. "Just playing with the cars you and papa gave me." My four year old self said.


"Dinner ready Vince come on down darling." I ran down the stairs like a race car because I was so hungry. "Coming mom!" I said excitedly.

End of flashback-

My mom and dad where standing there smiling. Why I have no damn idea.

Their the fucking Blackout's fucking bitch. They took her they 'killed'  themselves. "Hello son." My so called father said. Matteo and Archer look at me shocked like me. "Fool me?" Is all I said and they looked taken back.

"I thought you were my family I thought you loved me." I said calmly. "Oh but we are family son."

"Bull fucking shit maybe by blood but no not to me not anymore."

I stay quite for awhile so did everyone else.

"Was I stupid." I ask "yes yes I was I loved you and that was a mistake."

"Your my mistake." There eyes went wide. I started walking towards them but stop a few feet away from them.

"You never were on my side not once was. You all hated me and didn't care about me so you pretend to die then wait for the right moment to hurt me. You know you all should really be actresses because I really fucking believe it so congratulations I believed you do you all get an award or something for doing this should I give you one." I clapped

"Amazing keep doing what your doing hurting others because all you care about is yourselves." I laughed. "You know I went to y'alls grave every fucking day thinking that you weren't here. But nope you were right fucking here this whole time while  I was pouring my heart out because I thought I lost the people the actually loved me. But no there were just like the others."

My so called mother started to cry. "Yeah cry all you fucking want but I'll never forgive you all. So keep crying think that it will actually get you somewhere because in reality it won't." I growled

"Where is she." I yelled. I couldn't hold it in anymore I needed to get out of there but I want her right now. "Somewhere." Carson said (Vincenzo father) I look over at Archer and he nods. "Okay so we are going to play another one of your fun games got it. What are the rules to this one." I asked. "Don't get caught don't die....Well I think that one is going to be a rule I have to break." There eyes went wide. "I mean why do you have to fake it when it can be real.?"

"Vincenzo don't do this." I laughed "Well I guess you should have thought about that before you did all this don't you think." 

"Vincenzo no."

"Oh so I'm a dog now that's nice at first I was your son then I wasn't then your son again and now I'm a dog."

"That's not what I mean Vincenzo I'm your father Vince you won't do this to me or your mother."

"That is what you think we'll you thought wrong." In the corner of my eye I saw her in Archer arms with scratches and bruises and that made my blood boil. Archer got her out safe and sound she's safe no harm to her now.  Matteo went outside with him to leave us alone.

I raise my gun. "You are no longer my concern and you never were."

"Wait let me explain." I rolled my eyes and nod. "Yes we hated you we never wanted you to be honest. So we had a plan we would make up these people that were trying to kill us then they would kill me and you mom so we could get away from you. You were to much we couldn't take care of you. So yes we faked our death then we were going to find your weakness and use it against you." He took a breath.

"And we hope I don't know what we hoped but once I saw you again in forever I just wanted to be a family again cant we do that and you can even have you little girlfriend here to just don't kill us we love you." I laughed. "Now you love me now you want to be a family all the sudden now? Ha no thank you."

"Vincenzo please forgive us." Carson said. "See you in hell." I pulled the trigger once then twice.

And now there gone this time but it's different now I killed them I won't be going to there grave everyday to pour my heart out ask them why. That is gone now they stab me in the back there is no forgiving in this chapter of my life.

Now there is no going back now. I go up to there dead bodies. "I should have known that you never loved me but I just didn't want to believe that so I didn't."

I took a deep breath. "Did everyone know about it and I was the only one that didn't know because you hated me for some reason." I turn around and walked out with their blood on my hands.

Fuck you to.


So I was scared to write this chapter so please if you could just give me a review that would be amazing. And of course you don't have to if you don't want to I just want to know if this chapter was good or not.

Anyways let's talk Vincenzo parents I think they are a bitch end of story.

Okay I let you go now I hope you all have an amazing day/night whenever your reading this. ❤️

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