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After another stressful day you go back to sleep, the thunder from outside soothing you like a white noise. You're back in the dream world, enjoying time with so many of your friends here. Back at the lake swimming in the beautiful cold water on a hot summer day. You dive back under water and when you emerge you see all of your friends are gone. "Hello?" You ask looking for anyone to reply. "Stu if this is a joke it's not very funny." You see clouds rolling in and you go to swim back to shore when you get pulled underwater by something. You kick and struggle to fight for air and once you do break free you're in a pool in a filthy looking boiler room. You step out in your bathing suit rubbing your skin, the air quickly heating you up. "Hello? I know this is just a dream and you can't really hurt me." Steam from a pipe blows next to you and you jump. It's hot. How is it hot this is just a dream. You hear distant singing in the boiler room. You go try to find it in a confusing maze of pipes and steam. All the while there's this red light basking everything in a dark tone. The singing gets louder and louder and when you turn a corner you see three girls on a sidewalk. All of them in fluffy white dresses and one jumping rope while the other two hold it.

"One two Freddy's coming for you." They sing. You look back to the boiler room to find it's gone. Replaced by a house. You've got to find a way to wake up from this nightmare before it kills you. You hear a deep chuckling laugh come from behind you and you quickly rush into the house looking for some way to escape this place. You run into a door way and there he is. You see a man. Horribly burned in a filthy stripped sweater. He's got a glove on his hand. It's got razors or something sharp on it. He's standing in front of you now. He raises his finger knives and brings them down. You raise your arm and jolt up in bed. You're sweaty but thankful that you're alive. You hear a meow and you look to the foot of your bed. It's a cat. a fluffy grey white cat. You blink and sit there confused.

"Hey kitty, um how'd you get here?" It meows in reply and you slide out of bed. It sits up and you walk over to it. You hold out your hand and it quickly starts using it for pets. "Good kitty. Can I pick you up?" You ask scooping up the cat. Again it meows but it doesn't fight you on it. You open your door and head to Billy's room. You open the door and he's standing shirtless getting dressed.

"Hey (Y/N), where'd you get the cat?" He asks putting on some pants.

"It was just on the foot of my bed when I woke up."

"Is that where you got that scratch from?" He asks pointing to your arm. You look down and there's three cuts along your forearm. You shake your head.

"No I don't know how I got that. Um just hold the cat while I deal with this please." You hand the cat to Billy and go to the bathroom grabbing the first aid kit. You clean up the wound and Billy shows up in the door frame holding the cat.

"What should we do about this?" Billy asks.

"I don't know. It's clearly not a feral cat maybe someone is missing a cat. But we don't live near anyone. Should we take it to a shelter?" You ask cleaning up your wound. Billy shrugs.

"I mean we could keep it." He says scratching its head.

"What about Michael? You know what he does with animals." You start to wrap up the cut.

"We can keep the cat away from him." You look at Billy and roll your eyes.

"Let's just get it to a shelter. Or ask Brahms how it even got in. He like sees everything that happens here." You say turning back to Billy. You take the cat and Billy walks downstairs into the living room. You follow him and he knocks on the wall. Brahms emerges and smiles when he sees the cat.

"Oh he's still here?" Brahms asks.

"When did he get here?" You ask. Brahms comes over and starts to pet the cat.

"I let him in last night. I remember putting him back out though."

"Well we gotta figure out what to do with it. It's not like rude enough to be feral. We should check and see who's missing a cat."

"Maybe attic Billy knows." You blink and look at Brahms.

"Attic Billy?" You ask. Brahms nods. "Look his last name is Lenz just call him Lenz and how would he know?"

"He's been out there awhile maybe he knows." You look at Billy and back at Brahms.

"Alright we can talk to him. Just like be careful." The three of you walk upstairs and into the attic. Billy's walking around talking to himself. He looks over to you and smiles.

"I see you met Claud. I'm glad he came." The cat now known as Claud jumps from Brahms arms and rushes to Lenz. He picks him up and scratches his head. "He's been my cat for awhile now. I can take good care of him. He can stay up here with me. When I leave he does too." You look to Brahms and Billy. You think for a moment.

"Well I guess he can stay. But you'll be the one taking care of him. If Michael kills him it's your fault." He nods and you walk out of the attic. You go into the office with Billy following you. Brahms went back into the walls to do wall man things. You sit at the desk and think this over. "We're gonna have to buy stuff for him. Like I don't know how to take care of a cat. I mean I like the basics and stuff. What about vet stuff too. I don't know if this is a good idea." Billy sits on the desk and holds your hand.

"Sweetheart it's gonna be ok. He's only gonna be here for like a few more weeks then he'll be back in the woods. I'm sure it'll stay up there and Lenz will find a way to take care of it. It'll be ok as long as I'm still your favorite Billy." He jokes with a smile. You smile back and stand up.

"You'll always be my favorite Billy." You give him a kiss and walk out. You stop in the door way and turn back around. "Billy is there a way things that happen in your dreams can transfer to real life? I got slashed in my dream and it ended up here." He shrugs.

"I don't really know. I'm sure it was Claud just fucking with you. You think you're gonna have another nightmare?" He asks. You think for a moment.

"I'm not sure. I'm sure it was just a one time thing."

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Yet again it's late at night. You're barely staying awake. You struggle to hold onto your phone as you slowly slip into a state of sleep. You find yourself waking up to a tapping noise later that night. You toss and turn trying to back to sleep but you can't. Eventually you give in and get out of bed to find that tapping noise. You go to the hallway and see it's coming from the attic door. You open it and Claud comes running out. You jump a little and calm your nerves. "Hey kitty, you scared me a bit." You go into the bathroom to wash off your face and try to calm your nerves. You go to turn the faucet on when the handle turns into a claw, grabbing your hand holding you in place. You struggle to get free, the claw gripping hard. You pull and struggle and eventually you break free you run out of the bathroom and back to the front of the house. You see the jump rope girls again, singing their song.

"One, two Freddy's coming for you. Three, four better lock your door." You turn and you're back to the front of the house. You don't know what to do now. You grab the handle and feel your hand burn. You scream and jolt awake in bed. You must have screamed in your sleep too because soon Jason and Michael are rushing in. You look to your hand and you see a burn. You don't know how this could happen.

A/N: Ok so you can probably tell who's gonna join us next. I have a plan for someone to watch over (Y/N) but if you wanna recommend anyone please comment who you want. I'm thinking Billy or Michael. Anyway hope y'all enjoyed. Be good people :)

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