Chapter 8

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Omg.. I said I would post last night. I hate myself, literally. I feel terrible! Sorry, bout that folks.. Just for that, I'll make this one, looong! :) Yay! Also, I might make a new cover, I hate this one. Yuck. Even though Bieber is sexy in it. lols.

Chapter 8.

Andi's POV

As we walked downstairs the butterflies filled my stomach, turning, twisting every which way. But it all suddenly stopped when I saw it. The devil...

Justin's POV

Christian, Caitlin, and who I am guessing to be, Bailey and Mike. Let the damn fun begin. Caitlin grinned so wide it looked like it would hurt and she ran to me, her huge, pink bag in her hand, and hugged me so hard that I thought I would just burst.

"Justy!" she exclaimed, "How is my babe doing?!" Her eyes lit up, but Andi's were a different story. Like I said, we weren't dating. Andi.. Oh God, I hope she didn't hear that!

"Justy? Babe?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows at me, crossing her arms, and leaning on one leg. She chewed her cheek, and I wanted to punch Caitlin right about then, but thought better of it.

"Oh! Who are you? Andi, right?" Caitlin remarked, making Andi want to kill her.

"Alright!" I yelled, "Caitlin go set up in your room," I said pointing to the room downstairs, if she was downstairs while I was upstairs I would be fine.

"Justin! Explain to me!" Andi yelled, clearly pissed. I was scared, angry, and even terrified. Drama lane here I come.

"Ok, Ok, look, we aren't dating," I said this when Caitlin closed the door to the room, " she is just saying that, trust me. We have once before but I broke up with her. Trust me.." I finished, and looked at Andi with pleading eyes.

"Oh yeah? And is that why you were flirting with her on Skype?" Bailey remarked, anger set through my body. I turned back to her, giving her a 'wtf' look, and she smirked.

"I didn't mean to. It just came out that way!"

"You flirted with her?" Andi asked.

"Well for one thing, we technically weren't dating either!" I yelled back at her, and ran my hands through my hair.

"That's it." Andi said, grabbing her bag and stomping out of the house.

"Andi! Andilene wait!" I screamed. She turned around. People always got her when they called her Andilene.

"What?" she spat. I walked over to her, sure that hurt was in my eyes, and brushed my hand against her arm. "Don't touch me." And with that, she was gone.

Andi's POV

I couldn't believe him, he flirted with her, but then kissed me. As I walked out of the house I realized he wasn't worth my time, none of them were.

"Andi!" my mother yelled.

"What?" I groaned, dragging myself to her.

"Pattie called, Justin's manager, Scooter, wants you to do a duet with Justin." she said excitedly, then she saw my face, "Honey? What's wrong?" Shaking my head as if to say, "Nothing's wrong I'm perfectly fine." and I walked to the house.

I'm trying to avoid him, but now I have to do a duet and a movie now? Joyous, don't ya think? (Note the sarcasm right there.)

In my room, I got on twitter again and saw Justin had tweeted. "@Andiishere I wish you were here.." I sucked in a breath, knowing the whole world will think we're dating. He officially sucks. I searched him on google to see if anyone was saying anything, an article has popped up a few minutes after he tweeted called, "Andi and Justin? Dating?" I moaned, squeezing my eyes shut from frustration and decided to have a nice, warm shower.

I turned on the water and hopped in, my hair was getting soaked, and so was every inch of my body as well. It felt nice and hot, just how I liked it. I washed my hair, body, and then shaved afterwards. After I was done I put on some different clothes, a blue tank top and denim shorts, with some white flip flops on, too.

"Andi!!!!!" my mother called again. What the hell did she want now?

"What!?" I yelled from upstairs. She came up them and opened the door.

"One of your friends called," she said handing me the phone. I took it, curious.


"Why, hello there," a familiar voice said.

"Who is this?" I asked, and the person smirked. It was definitely a girl.

"This is your worst nightmare," the person said, I rolled my eyes, corny, much?

"Yes, I'm sure it is."


continuing tomorrow!! :)

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