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So I got inspiration for this from hetoni, so it might sound a little familiar :) Also I wrote this at 12 am so it's not my best work.. But enjoy anyways!

America's POV


A bomb exploded in the middle of the battle, halting all violence momentarily. The war is getting worse with each battle, and it's almost as if we will never see the end of it. The allies aren't doing so well, and in the middle of the chaos, I lost sight of Arthur. I hope the bomb doesn't get to him before I do.

"E-England?! England can you hear me?!" I barely make out without coughing up blood.

"A-America..?" England says faintly in the distance "Where are you?"

I found him. He's alive. It hurts to run, but I sprint anyway to get to him. I find him on the ground trying to spot me. "Arthur! I'm here! Are you okay?"

"America! Where are you?" He replies. What does he mean? I'm right in front of him...

"England look at me." I say as calm as I can. England looks around, still unable to see me. I gently cup his face in my hands and face him towards me. His eyes look different; the green of his eyes look as if they have swallowed his pupils. "England. How many fingers am I holding up?" I whisper and I hold up three fingers. He just looks at me sadly. "Arthur.."

"I-I'm sorry America.. b-but I can no longer see.." He replies on the edge of tears.

"No. This can't be real. I'm dreaming, I-I have to be." I say to myself. England reaches out his hand, trying to find me as tears roll down our cheeks. He finds my face, and I take his hand and hold it to my cheek.

"Alfred?" He makes out through a sob. I look at him, but I avoid his eyes. "I'm glad it was me and not you."

What? I look him straight in the eyes this time. "Are you crazy? You idiot! I wish I could have prevented this from happening! Now you can't see a thing and you never will again, and it's all my fault! If I just didn't lose you earlier, I-"

"Alfred, if anything happened to you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself."
He sounds so sincere when he says this, but why?

"Why? You hate me.."

"No I don't, I could never hate you."

I sniffle a bit, "Then why do you say so all the time?"

"I... Because I could never say how I truly feel about you.."

I feel my heart skip a beat. "W-What are you saying..?"

"Alfred, I love you.. I always have loved you.."

I start coughing a bit and I get a little blood on his hand. "I'm sorry.. I got blood on your fingers."

"You idiot, I don't care about that." England starts coughing as well. He sounds like he's going to cough up his lungs. I lay him down on his side, and I lie down facing him. I can hear the gunshots continuing in the distance and Arthur stiffens up.

"Arthur.." He starts coughing up blood as well. "You can let go.. I'll meet you there..." Silent tears stream down his face as he pulls me closer to him. I kiss his forehead as he starts to let go. I close my eyes and do the same, ready to meet him again in a better place.

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