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"sorry i lied sun, sorry i gave you false hope about us," the girl choked out weakly, "jesus i didn't think it would kick in this quickly." she was laughing now, sunoo could tell it hurt.

he tried to stay strong, he loved min young. he wanted to be strong for her. he could never put it into words, not now, there were millions of words on the tip of his tongue but no words left him, he just pat the weak girl's head, trying to convince himself it would all be okay, when deep down he knew... it wasn't.

"i just want you to know sunny, in a different timeline, where i was okay, i would feel the sane way." a hand reached up and held sunoo's cheek, slowly wiping away his tears.

"there has to be something we can do-"

"there isn't sun. i'm so so sorry.. there just isn't."

ranting my angst whenever im sad >>>>
thank you for your support hopefully just 2 more chapters then im done
thank you for your support !
— your love, toby <3

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