Hatter (17)

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Me and Henry set off to the police station to check up our mom and Mary Margret when we finally get there we notice that Mary Margret's cell was open and she was no longer in it
"Do you think she was let out" I whisper to Henry
"I don't know...what if she escaped" he whispered back
"This station is tiny and Emma is barely out of it at the moment she would have noticed her trying to leave" I joke
"That's Just it what if emma helped her escape" he said excitedly
I turn to him and grab his hands
"Genius" I squeal
"I know I am" he laughs
"Not you, emma let's go find her she has to be here somewhere"

We walk down the halls and right when we we're about to turn round the corner we hear our mom and hold talking I signal to Henry to wait and sit down he does so and we wait for Emma to turn the corner

"Kids what you doing here" Emma questions with a smile
"Congratulations" Henry blurted out confusion hit both gold and Emma's faces
"On what?" Emma says slowly
"Your plan it was absolutely genius" I smile
"What plan was that dearie" gold questions us Henry goes to speak but I hit his arm and we stand silently hold nods and makes his way down the hall
"Sorry i thought mr gold was in on it seeing he is Miss Blanchards lawyer and all" Henry whispers
"In on what" Emma questions
"The escape plan" I state spinning round to her her eyes go wide and she just looks at us

"Sherif can you come here a moment" gold says breaking the silence and Emma rushed down the hall
"Did she not-"
"I don't-"
"Should we-"
None of us finished our sentences but when knew exactly what the other meant and we sprinted down the hall

"She's gone" gold sighed
"Kids what did you do" Emma stated walking to the cell
"Nothing" I shout
"She was gone when we got here" Henry tells her
"Her arraignments tomorrow if she's not there-" gold says
"She's a fugitive, doesn't matter if she's convicted of Cathrine of not she screwed. I have to go find her before anyone else finds out she's gone" Emma interrupts
"You mean our mom" I ask her
"Her arraignments at 8 am I'm sure she'll be up bright and early to celebrate her victory" Emma says
"She has until 8am" gold repeats
"What about us what can we do" Henry asks
"Go home it's a school night" she tells us
"What not fair" i whine
"Emma if she try's to leave storybrooke" Henry suggests
"Not now Henry" Emma says and grabs our shoulders leading us out and sending us on our way

We went home and climbed into bed
"What do you think happened" I ask Henry
"I'm not sure but I hope she's alright"
"She will be, she has to her story's not over yet.
I'm scared for Emma though" I say to him
"I have a bad feeling, like we shouldn't have let her go on her own,... it's like you know how we just know how each other feel and know what we're thinking I have that but for Emma and I don't know but somethings not right she's in danger" I sigh
"I'm sure she's fine cass"
"I hope so" I whisper and close my eyes

The next day we walked to school and met up with Paige and Sam
"Hey guys" Paige smiles and gives us both a hug
"Hey Paige" I respond
"It's still quite early why don't we play something...like hide and seek" Sam suggests and we all play Paige is the best at it, it's like she's a bloodhound and can always sniff us out
Schools not the same without Mary Margret we have a substitute and she's not even half as nice as Miss Blanchard

I had that same sickening feeling in my stomach all day and finally at lunch Emma showed up
"Hey twins" she says sitting between us
"I found Mary Margret" she tells us
"She's safe,your both safe" I sigh with relief
"Of course we're safe nothing can harm us" she kisses my head
"How is she" Henry asks
"She's Fine other than being on trial for murder"
Just the Sam and Paige come past laughing and smiling about something
"Hey Henry, hey Cassie" Paige smiles at us
"Hey mills, hey bro" Sam laughs
"Hey guys" we both say in sync and they walk off
"Who is that, the girl" Emma asks curiously
"Her names Paige, she's one of my best friends" I tell her she looks confused then turned to Henry
"Do you have your story book on you" she asks
"I do" I tell her and she whips her head round can I see it" she asks impatiently I nod and pull the book out

"Why" Henry asks
" I'm just curious about something" she responds not looking up she aggressively opens the book and turn to the pages about the mad hatter
"What...what is it" I ask
"Nothing it doesn't matter" Emma stares at the book and the bell goes but she doesn't respond
"Emma,Emma...we've got to go" Henry tells her
"Right Sorry can I hold on to this" she asks
Me and Henry look at each other with a smile
"Absolutely" I say and we both run off

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