Candy (9)

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Me and Henry decided to go to the comic store as Henry is obsessed with them and I mean I like a few but I'm more into fantasy books you like kings and queens and happy endings so I just get magazines
"Hey what you reading" I overhear a girl ask Henry I snap my head round to them and I see Henry's face got all fluttered which makes me laugh
"What are you laughing at" the girl asks looking at me
"Oh sorry I'm laughing at him, my names Cassie"
"We'll hello Cassie. Anyway you were saying" she rudely says changing the subject back to my brother
"Do you have a name" I say to her
"Ava now can I talk to this boy please" she sasses
"Ava can we go yet I'm bored" a boy the same age asks
"Fine Nickolas, hey why don't you come with us and you can bring your little friend with you as well" she asks Henry
"Sure come on cass" he says ecstatic
"No Henry why don't we just let them go on with their day" i say as I have a bad feeling about them
"Come on cass" Henry pleads with wide loving eyes
"Yeah come on cass" Ava mocks
"Only Henry calls me cass" I spit getting right in her face
"Fine anyway Henry does she really speak for you just leave her behind" Ava says walking around me
"Ava we need to go" the boy says grabbing her shoulder Henry looks between us and try's to leave with them
"HEY, you don't think I didn't see you do that now open your bags" the shop keeper says to Henry
"See me do what I never done anything"
"You stole candy out of the candy section behind you now open that bag and let me see"
"I never done anything it wasn't me"
"OPEN.THE.BAG" the man says more aggressive
"He already told you he never done anything so leave him alone do you know who we are" I shout back at the man
"Oh I know exactly who you are mills and I will be phoning your mother and you two don't think your off the hook" he says catching the other two trying to leave
Henry gives in and shows his bag to reveal hand fills of candy in them the shop keeper goes to his phone and calls the police and as he's doing that I walk up to the girl so I'm inches away from her face again
"You done this. You distracted my brother whilst he framed him and shoved candy in his bag" I spit in her face
"" she spits back
"I'm going to give you three seconds to own up before you regret ever talking to Henry"
"Cass!, shes not worth it" Henry states
"Your lucky he's here but if I see your face again it won't be pretty" I say and back away from her

We wait 10 minutes and Emma and my mom finally show up one after the other
"What happened what's going on" Regina asks the man
"That little boy stole from me"
"What Henry" Emma says
"Miss swan what are you doing here I am their mother" Regina asks her
"Yeah I know but I'm the sheriff now so kind of have to come to robbery calls"Emma sasses
"Fine you can stay, but anyway sir my boy would never steal"
"Well I hate to break it to you but he did" the man insists
"Cassia what happened here" mom asked me
"It wasn't Henry who stole it was those two, the girl distracted Henry and the boy put them in his bag then they tried to convince Henry to leave with them so that they could steal his bag and take the candy" I tell her
"There you go there's your story" Regina said to Emma and the shop owner
"Wait so that's it" he blurted out
"Yes at least that's it for my children sheriff if you could please deal with the two thief's"
"Gladly come on you two let's get you home" Emma said to the other two
"Wait you believe her!?" Ava shouted
"My daughter is smart she knows not to lie especially to police, Cassia has never told a lie in her life" Regina says and takes us both home

It's partly true what mom said I don't tend to lie as I'm smart enough to know that a lie will always be uncovered no matter what you do to hide it one day it will unravel so I always tell the truth...wither it be the full truth is another question

We got home and about 20 minutes later I heard mom on the phone
"So those kids are orphans...well that explains a offence Miss swan anyway thank you for telling me good day"
I ran up the stairs and found Henry reading the story book
"Hey what you reading " I ask
"I'm reading Rumpelstiltskin and baelfire's story trying to catch up to you"
"Ok well do that later I need you to look up a brother and sister possibly twins they looked the same age but their orphans in this life and maybe a connection to candy" I say thinking aloud
"Wait wait give me specifics"
"Ok so. Brother and sister, orphans, relation to candy but that one's a bit of a stretch-"
"Hansel and gretel" Henry interrupted
"Yes! Genius" I shout
"I know I am" Henry smirks
"Shut up" I laugh
"We need to go find Emma and tell her" I say
"Yeah good idea let's go"

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