Chapter 4: Rituals and Tests

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I don't own Harry Potter, just his twin... who hasn't shown up too much yet... hmm... I'm changing that. Anyway, onto the story!




Harry was immediately rushed off to a chamber with a runic circle in it. He sat down, and goblins started chanting in an ancient language he didn't know of. His head started to throb, until suddenly a white light encircled Harry. He screamed, because his forehead felt like it was on fire. He collapsed, screaming in agony, and was unconscious.

To the others...

The goblins and American healer they had summoned and sworn to secrecy watched in horrified fascination as the light seemed to purge the darkness. In fact, it looked like black smoke was pouring from his scar, which was starting to bleed a little. They ran over when the black stuff evaporated, leaving an exhausted unconscious Harry and a worried healer.

"He has been malnourished, it was not good for him to take the Horcrux on in his state. Some Nutrition potions can fix it, though. As for his scar, there is no more Horcrux in it. It has already faded to white. Time will tell how much his scar remains, though. I will have to do a health scan on him."

The goblins carried Harry to a spare room to rest while the healer did a full scan. He frowned. "His core and certain abilities have been blocked off at least 50%. The signature is of an Albus Dumbledore?"

The goblins growled. "We will deal with that later. Anything else?" one inquired stiffly.

"No, he is fine, but if he is going to go through anything else, bring me back. He may need it."

"Thank you" and with that the goblins bowed the healer out of Gringotts. They had to wait a day for Harry to wake up now.

------A day later where he is mostly recovered------

"How did it go?" asked Harry. "And where did Fili go? (I'm not good with names, just roll with it - I used Google Translate to Greek for friend and that's what it sounded like. Oh, and Fili is the occamy he met earlier.)

The goblin made a little half-smile. "He is doing fine, and do wish to speak in Gobbledegook from now on? You could practice and it would be easier for us."

Harry shrugged. #Sure. Now onto the power transfers and tests - I'd like to perform them now.#

The goblin nodded slowly. #We will have to take you to a chamber where you ask for which founders you test for. Call them all out. We have no further knowledge of the test though.#

Harry nodded. "Let's do this!" he said, putting on an adorable game face.

The goblin laughed for a good five minutes at his expression before continuing. #I will ask Ripclaw to take you to the vault. Ripclaw! He's ready for his test!"

Another goblin appeared, and hustled Harry to the cart. They descended sharply and got off at a door emblazoned with the crest of all four founders. The goblin bowed. #I leave you here# he said and left.

Harry sighed. Better get on with it, then. He pushed open the doors to reveal...

BOOM!!! CLIFFIE!!! Naw, just messing with you. No, I'm not hissing.

... A stone circular chamber with a wide ceiling. There was a central platform, and four stones, each with the symbol and color of a founder. He entered ans stated loudly, "I wish to claim rights to heirship of Lord Gryffindor, Lord Slytherin, Lady Ravenclaw, and Lady Hufflepuff."

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