You x auditor rgrrrd rg

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POV: You are an agent working for him in this one.

You were called into his office for a meeting

"Oh great, more news about that Hank guy or something.." you think to yourself.

you make your way down the halls into the meeting room, Its only him there.

Y/N: Where's everyone else?

Auditor: You we're the only one invited. I needed to talk to you.

He dramatically turns around in the big office chair.

You sit down across from him.

Auditor: Sit closer, dear, I don't feel like yelling to you all the way over there.

He points at the chair next him.

You get up and make your way to the chair and sit down.

Y/N: ...What did you need, sir..?

He looks at you and smiles a sweet smile.

You blush

He takes your hand and holds it

You blush more

Auditor: You see.. with this hand you have... I need you to get me koolaid I ran out and I'm about to break everything I see if I dont get my fucking koolaid

He leans back and awaits his koolaid. 

you go and get koolaid

you arrive and sit back down giving him the koolaid

Auditor: get out I just wanted koolaid bro

You walk out feeling defeated.

sooo romantic 

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