Part 5

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I sit Ella down after she walked up and begin the task of brushing her long curly hair.
"Have you thought about getting a haircut?" I take the wide-tooth comb and begin brushing the ends of her hair.
"Is my hair too long?" She asks while taking a lock of her hair.
"Not at all. I was guessing your head feels heavy."
She takes a few breaths before answering. "A little bit." She says while moving her head.
It's my turn to take a breath. I'll have to re-brush this.
"How long do you want your hair?"
I gently move more strands over to brush.
"About..." She moves her hand to her upper back right below her shoulders. About half of her length while it's not straightened.
"I'll see if I can get a hair straightener."
After a long while and cartoons being on Peter knocks on my door.
It feels weird for him to knock on the door.
"Come in."
He quickly walks in and smiles relieved once he sees Ella.
"You could have asked Jarvis where she was," I state calmly as I continue to slowly finish brushing Ella's hair.
"I didn't think of that okay?" Peter runs a hand through his brown curly hair.
"Miss Daisy Boss is serving breakfast in the kitchen," Jarvis speaks quietly.
"Food!" Ella jumps up from the chair and darts off downstairs.
"Daisy, are you okay?" Peter looks at the heavy bags under my eyes.
I nod with a semi-fake smile.
Peter takes the end of my blanket and tosses them over making my bed for me.
"Thanks" I mumble as I search my bag for some hair ties.
"Here" Peter hands me a new set of black and white hair ties.
I thank him before I quickly as possibly I can I brush and braid my hair into a simple braid.
My fingers fumble as I try to twist the hair tie.
"Damn it" I curse under my breath as I place the band around my wrist and walking down stairs.
"Good morning Kiddo." Mister Stark sits at the counter in the kitchen while he drinks his coffee and works on his tablet.
I notice the dark circles under his eyes but remain silent.
"Did you sleep well?" Nat questions while she glances at my eyes.
Uncomfortable I wipe my eyes with my sleeve and look away.
"Fine I guess" I mumble before walking to a window and looking out at everything around us.
"Your braid is falling out." Nat had walked beside me.
"Yeah" I keep my answer short.
"What's for breakfast?" Ella pipes in after Thor helped her in a bar stool at the kitchen counter.
I smile softly before turning back to the window.
"French toast and strawberries with cool whip." Mister Stark says from the couch.
"Wait who's cooking?" I glance over to the stove.
Mister Rogers looks as he is struggling with the nobs on the stove.
I look around seeing everyone doing their own thing except Nat.
I look back to Mister Rogers then her.
"The fossil might need some help" She whispers in my ear.
Timidly I walk over beside him. "Would you like some help?" I ask in a quiet voice.
"Was it that obvious?" He shakes his head. "That would be nice." He hands me a blue apron.
I freeze.
It's the same as at the patisserie. Pop's he was the one who handed me my own on my first day working there.
I shake my head blinking away tears.
"Th-thank you." I take it and fumble with the strings the same as I did earlier with my hair tie.
Come on
Come on
Just tie
I drop my shaky hands.
Steve glances at Nat before she walks over.
"Here let me help you."
I nod feeling my face grow hot.
"Need me to fix your hair?"
"You can." I pull the hair tie off my wrist and hand it to her.
When she finishes she leaves without a word.
"Any idea how to turn this thing on?" He looks around for nobs again.
"Mister Rogers have you thought to ask Jarvis?"
"Turning on stove top miss Daisy." Jarvis replies with laughter in his tone.
For an A.I he sure has a personality. Mister Stark must have created him that way.
"Just Steve." His ears turn red in embarrassment.
"Did anyone make fresh bread?" I look around for a loaf.
"Can you bake?" He asks casually.
"Yes I can. I worked in a patisserie." I move my long braid off my shoulder.
"Which one?"
"The one downtown about 30 miles from 'Midtown School of Science and Technology'. I used to go there." I close my eyes for a moment.
"When did you graduate?" He sets down 3 loaves of bread.
"I never did." I respond but the surprise on his face allows me to continue. "I didn't even have to go to high school due to my I.Q and my ACT score."
He looks even more confused.
"In America we have to take ACT to determine how much money and where we can go to college."
"And what was your scores?"
I smile sadly as I think of them.
"Two hundred and four for an I.Q."
"204!" Mister Stark shouts.
I cringe away from the sudden noise.
"It doesn't make me any different from anyone else." I cross my arms over my chest.
"It's okay to be different." Steve states as he goes back to cooking.
I shake my head as I quietly help him.
Before long we have food prepared for everyone.
I open the refrigerator for a drink after Mister Stark said to grab myself something.
I see two pint jugs of almond and oat milk.
I glance back at Mister Stark. He gives a simple nod before going back to his conversation with Peter.
I see the glass left out on the counter top.
I fill the glass and take a drink.
Not bad.
I walk to the far side of the table and I grab myself a piece of French Toast before pouring syrup on it.
I take a seat and slowly eat my food.
"Hello lady Daisy." Thor greets me with a smile.
I incline my head towards him as I sit down.
"Did you sleep well?" Mister Barton asks.
I slam my hand on the table before I even realize it.
Everyone stares at me with wide eyes. "Yes. I slept fine." My voice carries anger. "So would everyone please stop asking."
Everyone stares for a moment before I stand up.
"I'm sorry." My voice shakes as I look down.
"I'll be in my room."
I quickly run up the stairs before anyone can stop me.
I lock the door behind me and sink to the floor.
"Why did I do that?" I ask myself.
"Why do I mess everything up?" I squeeze my eyes shut as a glass breaks.
I quickly reopen them and freeze even the salty tears running down my face seem to freeze.
"No" I quickly move to pick the glass shards up.

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