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"Is there some sort of announcement I missed?" Xiao stood with his arms crossed, looking at the two cuddling while asleep. 

Scaramouche opened his eyes. "Huh?" he muttered, attempting to sit up. "My body feels heavier than usual..." His eyes snapped open completely once he remembered that Kazuha was in his bed. "Wait- no, this isn't-" 

"Hm?" Kazuha yawned and sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Is it weird to sleep with a childhood friend?" 

"You slept together?" Xiao's body radiated a dark energy. Scaramouche felt all of the hairs on his neck stand on end. 

"We literally slept!" Scaramouche held his hands in front of his face, prepared to defend himself should he get murdered this instant. "Kazuha wanted to sleep in my bed! He gets lonely sometimes! Like a bunny!" 

"Oh," Xiao nodded. "Right, he does that with me sometimes too when you're not back before midnight..." 

"Of course he does..." Scaramouche deflated and laid down on the bed once again. 

"Xiao!" Kazuha held out his arms for a hug which Xiao awkwardly accepted and then clung to him. Xiao was left to pick him up while Scaramouche's brain was resigned to his fate of dying in the friendzone. "You're back!" Kazuha grinned, hiding his face in Xiao's neck. 

"I wasn't keeping track of the time and had to sleep somewhere else for the night." 

"But, you like it here the best, right?" Kazuha whined slightly. 

"Ah, yeah, of course," Xiao nodded. "You're my favorite." 

"Huh?" Kazuha looked up at Xiao. "I'm your favorite? Not the apartment?" 

"The apartment is only nice because you're here." 

"Ehhh?" Kazuha blushed. 

"Ah, yes, this is how I die," Scaramouche covered his eyes. "I can feel the bloody tears already. So suffocatingly sweet. Why aren't you two dating yet?" 

"What?" Kazuha turned to Scaramouche. "Xiao is just...really nice, right?" 

"Kazuha is the first person I've felt comfortable around." 

Scaramouche swore he was cupid in his last life. He sat up and pointed to both of them. "Friends don't usually get jealous over someone sleeping in someone else's bed! Friends also don't usually hang all over other friends or blush when they say something! Have you two never dated anyone before?!" 

"No?" they both replied at the same time. 

Scaramouche inhaled and exhaled slowly. He'd seen enough anime to know how stupid this was. Without any practical experience for himself, all he could rely on was the experiences of fictional characters. His ace ass didn't care too much. And so, he stood up, grabbed both of their hands and forced them to shake each other's hands. "Hi, my name is Kazuha, I am deeply infatuated with you Xiao. Would you like to be my boyfriend? Hi, my name is Xiao, I'm a socially awkward potato wedge of a man and I would love to be your boyfriend." Scaramouche imitated their voices as he spoke and then let go of their hands. They stared at their hands still holding each other's and both blushed. 

"Congratulations! You're both dating now! You can thank me later!" Scaramouche huffed and walked out. No. He didn't care he was still in his pajamas. The door slammed behind him. He made it all the way down the hallway before he realized: "Shit, I don't have my keys." 

How do I tell my partners I love them? [ScaraKazuXiao]Where stories live. Discover now