Part 11

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I jump off Javons back and go sit by jaden hi I say hello he replys I loveeeeeee youuuuuu I say he says i love you back i ask if hes ok he says im fine so i say ok lets watch a movie then ok he says and we watch stranger things and then Jessica walks in "hi kids" she says oh hey mama j i say.. do y'all wanna get McDonald's she ask. Ofc we do I reply she says "ok" and walks back into her room then Jayla comes down and ask if we want to go to the gym with her we tell her the her mom is getting food maybe after and she nods and walks away me and Jaden sit and watch tv until Mrs Jessica gets back and then I ask if she needs help she says "no thank you tho hunny." And I say "ofc" and walk to the table and sit next to Jaden.

After we eat we continue watching "The Mindy Project." I snuggle into Jaden as we watch suddenly Javon comes and jumps on me as soon as i start to drift away "WSPPPPP" he says grinning like a child "nothing i was asleep." I say with a tired and slightly annoyed voice "my bad." The child like Javon says as he fake pouts "it's alr." Jaden rolls his eyes "JADEN DID YOU JUST ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME." Javon says "no" Jaden replied laughing "YES YOU DID." I get up and walk upstairs the twins arguing growing distant. I lay in bed and think until I fall into a peaceful sleep.

(Sorry it's short but here we go also sorry it took so long I normally only update at night and it was school time so I didn't have time but it's summer so I'll try to update 1-2 a week!! I'll be working on this and other stories. Also I love you all so much!!"

Mine - Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now