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(It's a flashback to when Jaden asked u out) I'm on my way to Jadens I'm wearing a short red coattail dress it's 8pm I have my AirPods in and I'm listening to our playlist while I walk the streets are dark at this time but whatever I arrive and knock on the door and Jaden answer hey Y/n let me grab the keys and we can go he says ok I reply he grabs the keys and locks the door and we get in the car where are we going i ask you will see he replys (couple mins later) we are here Jaden says as he steps out of the car and walks over to my door and opens it and i step out and we walk into this gorgeous restaurant Jaden this is to much i say its fine he replys are u sure i ask yes i am sure he says we go sit down and eat after we go to this bridge we are watching the water then jaden turns to me and says Y/n i need to ask u something i turn to him and say yes J will u be my girlfriend he ask Omg ofc i say

Mine - Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now