Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


Zach's POV

It's been 2 weeks and I’m a total wreck, I was traveling home right now.

I wanted to find out who hit her; I wanted revenge, to make them feel the pain she did.

I walked into my office and saw some papers on my desk; I picked them up and saw it was a plan for when we get attacked. Who did this?


I think this was what she wanted to show me. I walked out of the office and into our room; I had a shower and got dressed.

I sat on the bed with my hands in my head and Corey burst in,

"She's awake!"

I got up and ran to my car, I can't believe it!

Bailey's POV

I was back in the darkness but this time I could move my fingers. I opened my eyes and lighted invaded me, I shut my eyes again but when I heard someone humming I forced them back open.

I looked to see a nurse

"Oh good, your awake"

I tried to speak but I couldn't, had I lost my voice?

"Your vocal chords are damaged, but they should heal soon enough and you will be talking again soon"

I nodded and smiled at her, I felt weak. I knew it was because I was in a coma, a scent came to my nose and Zach burst through the door.

He rushed to my side and buried his face in the curve of my neck.

"Oh Bailey.... I missed you"

I stroked his hair,

'I missed you too' I said into his mind,

He looked at me confused

'My vocal chords are damaged but the should be repaired soon'

Zach gave me a sad look and laid his head on my stomach, he looked up at me and his eyes glazed over.

'Oh Zach, it's okay, I'm here now'

He leaned up and kissed me, I kissed him back and he pulled back before smiling at me.

"Do you know who hit you?"

'I don't know, it's a bit fuzzy'

"Okay.....oh and I like your plan, well use it"

I smiled at him,

'I want to go home'

"Soon, they just need to check some things"

'You know you look weird having a one sided conversation with yourself?'

He chuckled and brushed some hair out of my eyes and place a hand in my cheek, I closed my eyes savouring his touch.

I opened them and turned to the nurse,

"You can go home now, if you want?"

I nodded, she left and closed the door, and I had a shower and got dressed. My muscles were weak for not being used in so long.

I looked in the mirror to see that my face was pale, my hair limped just pass my shoulders and my eyes had exhaustion and weakness in them.

I walked out of the bathroom and Zach put his arm around my waist, leading me out of the hospital.

People smiled at us; I laid my head on his chest. The nurse told me to take it easy for a few days, till I got my strength and energy back.

I got onto the passenger seat and Zach buckled my seatbelt, he kissed my cheek and closed the door before going to the driver’s side and hopped in.

Zach started up the car and we were off,

"You hungry?" Zach asked,

I nodded

He drove into the drive in and got us some food, I ate slowly. My taste buds were off but I still ate it since I'm hungry.

We got home and Zach helped me out of the car, Corey, Libby, James and Alex came out. They hugged me,

"We missed you!"

'I missed you guys too'

Their eyes widen, and Zach jumped in telling them that it was just temporary.

They relaxed and I went inside, I felt exhausted, I just wanted to sleep.

Zach followed me, I took off my shoes and changed onto my pyjamas, it was 10 o'clock at night.

Zach stripped down to his boxers and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you" he whispered into my ear,

'I love you too'

He kissed me and brought me closer, I pulled back and laid my head on his chest, falling into the land if nightmares.


I was in the car again, I took in the details, and I turned my head and gasped.

In the car was the last person I thought I would see.

The car rammed into me, making the car tumbled and fall,

I couldn't believe him.


I woke up with a start; Zach took me in his arms.

"Bailey, you okay?"

'I know who hit me'.

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