Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


I couldn't believe him! I went through Zach's office draws trying to find the piece of paper I was meant to lose but kept.

"Having fun" a deep voice rang out; I looked up to see Zach and nodded. I flipped open a file to see the Dark Shade's Alpha, the confirmed it, it was him.

I signed and laid back in his chair, I closed my eyes and ran a hand through my face.

"You okay" Zach asked and came next to me.

I showed him the file,

'He's the one who hit me. Ashton, my cousin. The one used to take care of me, the one who I thought cared about me'

Zach growled and I put my head into my arms. I got my voice back but it is still a bit croaky but I can still talk.

I grabbed the phone in the office and rang Ashton's number,

"Hello?" Ash said,

"Ash, why?"

"Hello Bailey, I want the girl, I thought I could use blackmail but I didn't know you had other people in the car."

"You’re sick, Ashton"

"Thank-you, I will be calming the girl soon"

"What happened to you, where’d the boy I used to know, go?"

"He is gone when everyone I loved left me to die" he growled,

"We didn't leave you to die! You told us to go! You killed your father. I turned my back on you, you sick bastard"

"Thank you again, gives me the girl and I will fade away from your life"


I slammed the phone down and put my head into my hands, was it worth it, to fight possibly losing my pack just to save a girl.

No this isn't about saving Alex anymore, it is about revenge now, to kill him, to kill him and save his pack from the ruthless leader.

I got up and sighed before pushing passed Zach and out the door, I looked around the lounge room and the kitchen.

Where’d James and Alex go? I smelt something funny come up behind me and turned to see James and Alex behind me, full mates, oh no.

My voice was better now since I had just been yelling,

"What have you guys done? You’re not allowed to fully mate yet!" I shouted,

"We thought if I mated with her, they would leave us alone"

"Yeah, how's that working for you? Did you think about the alpha of the Dark shade pack, he can put his mark over that mark?" I growled and they both paled and I stormed off.

How foolish can they get, James should know that but no, he had to follow his urges.

I went into the office again where Zach was and laid down on the couch, taking deep breaths.

Zach lifted me up into his arms and sat me down in his lap.

"Bay what's wrong?"

"James and Alice have mated"

"That stupid!"

"I know" I signed and laid my head on Zach's chest, listening to his breathing, I closed my eyes and thought,

What the hell am I going to do?

I took a deep breath and thought, I had two choices, put them under protection or use them as bait. The second one was wrong but I was still considering it, I opened my eyes and looked at Zachary,

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