Chapter 10

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Back from restaurant, they went straight to the hotel and continue drinking on their room. Their room is quite bigger and it have provided a small kitchen, and living room. Haruto was talking about his college life when Junkyu asked him about Andrew.

So, Haruto is from Harvard student and started to manage his grandfather's company after he finished his degree. So the reason Haruto didn't talk about their parents because, both of them already passed away when Haruto still 5 years old.

Junkyu didn't dare to ask further what happened to his parents when he saw Haruto's face. Junkyu brushed his back and giving the younger smiles. "i bet they are very happy to have you as their son. " said Junkyu which make Haruto smiles and nodded.

Out of nowhere, "hyung... can i... ki.. kiss you ?" asked Haruto biting his lip. "kiss ???" asked Junkyu almost shouted . "if you don't want so don't. I won't force you. just like what we said, take it slow..." said Haruto gulping his wine while avoiding Junkyu's eyes.

"oh.." Junkyu is kinda disappointed but yes they have to take it slowly in order to develop their feelings i mean Junkyu's feeling. He still don't know if he already fall in love or not.

"well, it's getting late. should we sleep ? we  still have many places to go tomorrow" said Haruto standing up cleaning their messed . Junkyu nodded and did the same.

At the other side, Asahi was too drunk after having a drink with his co-workers at the bar. "you yedam !!! you're the one who keeps making me drink !!" he yelled at the older who already passed out at the table. "oh ? you're dead already ? such a weaker..." he muttered before he take a glass of vodka. He take the empty bottle and frown. "what ?? it's finished ??"

He walked toward the bartender with his wobbling legs. "one... more... bottle won't kill me.. hehe.. im strong" he murmured but fall down on the floor when someone bumped into him. "fuxk ! " he cursed before he stand up again. "ya ! you're drunk !" shouted Jaehyuk who happened to drink there too. "nahh im nortt !" said Asahi pushed Jaehyuk away but Jaehyuk hold his waist before the latter fell down

"im single and i felt lonely when i saw a couple. it gave me a nauseous ! they don't respect us as a single !! " he blurted out something nonsense while Jaehyuk trying his best to lift Asahi up.

They got into a taxi, Jaehyuk keeps asking for his address but Asahi keeps hugging him with eyes close. We can say that Asahi didn't realize what just he did. "urhh fine !" Jaehyuk told the taxi driver to go to his apartment instead.

He put the japanese guy on his bed. "is he uust got dumped by his gf or what ? " asked Jaehyuk scratching his head. "junkyu yahhh ! why are you married before me ?? you said you will get married after we tour around this world together but what ??? you leaving your single best friend. at least find me a bf or gf too ! or you can just give me Haruto's secretary" said Asahi smiling with eyes close.

Jaehyuk shocked for a while and comes near Asahi. Is he drunk or he just misheard it. "what do you said ? haruto's secretary ?" asked Jaehyuk. Asahi nodded unconsciously. Asahi open his eyes a bit and blink "he is my type and even now i can see him right in front of my eyes.." said Asahi with his silly grin cupping Jaehyuk's face.

Jaehyuk smirk then removed the japanese guy hand away "and what if he also have an interested with you ?" asked Jaehyuk half whispered. "i will kiss him and make him mine !"  Jaehyuk shocked with Asahi's answered. He smirk again before he sighed "im also drunk..." he said before he claimed Asahi's lip.

The small guy slowly closing his eyes and open his mouth letting their tongue to play with each other. His hand was wandered around Jaehyuk's back while Jaehyuk keeps devouring his lip and even sucked, biting his neck. The soft moaned from Asahi make he pulled back their kissed "is it okay if we continue this ?" asked Jaehyuk brushing Asahi's bang away.

Asahi nodded quickly then crashed their lips again while Jaehyuk ripped off Asahi's shirt and tossed it everywhere inside the room.

"haruto.... wake up..." Junkyu carefully wake his husband who still sleep soundly beside him. Haruto open his eyes a bit and smiles when he saw Junkyu's face. "what ?" he asked with husky voice make Junkyu gulped. "let's watch sunrise before we take our breakfast" said Junkyu with puppy eyes.

Haruto get up from his bed while rubbing his eyes. Junkyu slapped his hand away "don't rubbed your eyes !" he said make Haruto grinned then give a sweet kiss on his husband's cheeks make Junkyu blushed "good morning" he greet before he walked toward the bathroom.

Junkyu shyly smiles while touching his cheek where Haruto's leave his lip there. Haruto caught that then smiles in amusement.

They watched the sunrise at the Lady Bird Lake where is was near to their hotel. "let's have a breakfast... im hungry now" said Haruto rubbing his own stomach after walking around there about 30 minutes. Junkyu chuckled softly before he nodded agreeing with Haruto that their stomach need to be fill. They walked to the Hotel from the Lady Bird Lake while holding hand.

That night, they choose to stay at the hotel after walking around the city toured by Andrew. "what should we eat for dinner ?" asked Junkyu taking a bottle of cold water from the fridge. Hearing no response, he turned around to see Haruto was busy with his tablet on the sofa.

"haruto..." Haruto is still serious on his tablet. He sighed. He understands that Haruto have a lot of works to do but isn't he supposed to take a leave for a week ?? He curled his lips in annoyed before he walked toward Haruto and put the cold bottle on his nape make the younger flinched.

"hyung ! what happened ??" he asked gazing at Junkyu who already crossing his arm on his chest. "remember we come here because of honeymoon not work" he pout make Haruto ruffles his hair. "I'm really sorry, but the work that Jaehyuk sent to me is so messed. that's why i fix a little " explained Haruto before he put the tablet on the table and told Junkyu to sit on his lap

Junkyu felt hesitate at first. He slowly sit on Haruto's lap. "relax hyung... we're not stranger anymore... you're my husband and im your husband . remember that" said Haruto putting his chin on Junkyu's shoulder.

"but still..." "what ?" Haruto cut off his word immediately. Junkyu pout then lay his head on Haruto's chest. "do i look relax now ?" he asked make Haruto chuckled. "maybe ?" he replied brushing Junkyu's hair gently. "i love you hyung..." he uttered giving a soft kiss on Junkyu's neck.

"i know" said Junkyu with a blushed on his cheeks. "don't you love me hyung ?" asked Haruto wrapping his hand around Junkyu's waist. Silent. No response. "i will wait.." said Haruto inhaling Junkyu's vanilla scent that have been intoxicated for him.  

"maybe... give me a week" Junkyu muttered playing with Haruto's finger "sure..." .


- cici

- to be continue

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