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Warning: Drowning someone
                    Panick attack

             I was in walking across the lake. The top layer was frozen. It was in middle of the night. It was cold, I couldn't feel my legs, I couldn't feel my hands, I couldn't feel my face, I could see my breathing due to how cold it was. My head was throbbing. I had a gash from which was flowing like a river staining by once snow white shirt. I couldn't feel anything except pain. My vission was blurred. I couldn't see anything, I couldn't see where I was going. My eyes stung from all the crying.

             I heard something breaking. And the next thing I knew was I was in the freezing water up to my waist. Suddenly something grabbed my ankle dragging me deep inside the ice cold water. My brain couldn't process what was happening and tried to release my self from whatever it was. I opened my eyes to see a blurry figure of a creature with long slender arms and legs. I was lacking oxygen and tried to take in the air. But water filled my lungs and I started coughing and tried to free my self and tried screaming but in vail.

             I was drowning. I couldn't do anything. I slowly closed my eyes and it all went black....

             I shot up. My eyes darting everywhere for any possible danger. Then I realised I was in my house, in my room, on my bed. I was sweating like just ran a marathon. Another nightmare... I thought. But it felt so real. The pain and everything. That creature with long arms-  I my hands being wet. I looked down to see drops of water on my hand. I realised I was crying. I pulled my knees upto my chest and hugged my knees. I sobbed into my knees trying to be as quite as possible. I was shaking uncontrollably and I was breathing heavily.


             I woken up by the sound of sobbing. I quickly sat up and realised that it was coming from the room next to his. If the wall was not thin like paper, it can't be heard. I quickly opened the door and ran towards the other's room. *knock knock* "Techno?" No response. I quickly turned the knob and pushed the door open. The sight infront of me made my heart ache.


             He quickly walked towards the shaking male and slowly hugged the slightly shorter one. Techno flinched at this and tried to scoot away. "Hey hey, It's me. Dream. Can you hear me Techno?" He couldn't make out the words properly but understood what the other said and quickly hugged the taller and started sobbing in his chest. "Shhhh. Calm down. Look I am here now. Everything is alright. Can you copy my breathing? Take a deep breath." He nodded slowly and took a deep breath and exhaled shakily. "You are doing a good job, Techno." he said drawing different types of shapes on his back. He started gently rocking the pinkette ( is it how you spell? Idk ) back and forth whispering sweet nothings.

             After 20 minutes the shorter finally calmed down. "Was it a nightmare?" He nodded a yes. "Will you say what happened?" He hugged the blonde a bit tighter. Taking that as 'no' he again asked "Do you want me to sleep with you?" almost a whisper. He smiled when the pinkette answered a 'yes' and slowly laid down spooning the shorter one. "Night Dream" Techno said and closed his eyes falling into a peaceful sleep.

             He smiled and whispered "Good night Techno" in the others ears and planted a small kiss on the other's head. He checked the time on the wall clock, it read 3:23 AM. He sighed and closed his eyes to try and fall asleep again. - Keyword: try -


Hello there. I admit I didn't update in a long time. But I would not be lying if I said that I actually forgot about this book.
Hehehe ( ̄ヘ ̄;) soooo I am the greatest author who forgot they had a book.
Great 👍🏻      ......

Anyways word count is around 800.

I wish ya'll good heath and stay hydrated and make sure to sleep well. If you didn't sleep, you'll feel like a bitch in the morning like I am feeling right now. 'cause I wrote this at 3:23 AM.

Anyways Bye Bye :)

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