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I can't bring myself to regret the things I said to you. You were there for me when I needed you most, you were there for the pain and pleasure, for the hard times and the easy ones, you were there when I needed someone to talk to or laugh with, you made the endless nights of tears and yelling worth getting through, but at the end of the day I wasn't good enough for you, and I need you to realize that. I know this is going to hurt you and i'm not ignorant enough to ask you to forget about me, because even if I do I know you never will. But you deserve to be happy and I know now that, that will never be with me. So i'm giving you your chance as of tonight the world will think both of us died instead of just me so here's your chance, be happy and live a normal life, get married and have kids, get the car and house you always dreamed of, just please do it without me. I will always love you until I take my last breath and i'm sorry that had to come so soon.

-I love you,-Emily

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