Our Meeting

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"I don't give a flying fuck who you know I want to know what happened to my men and my fucking cargo." I said squeezing Maxs face with my left hand.

I've been torturing this bitch bag all morning and he hasn't said anything he just keeps shaking his fucking head. It's really pissing me off because I had 12 of my best men and a big cargo shipment go missing last night and the only thing left at the scene was this bitch, who won't say anything.

"Alright listen here," I said grabbing my blow torch off the table and bringing it to his hand tied to the chair.

"You have 3 seconds to tell me what the fuck happened and where my shit is," I questioned looking at him right in the eyes not breaking eye contact.

I inched the torch closer to his hand seeing the fear in his eyes I knew he was about to break. Closer and closer I got until I could smell the amazing smell of his burnt flesh and hear the sweet sound of his skin sizzling. It only lasted a second before he let out a loud incessant bellow, that made me want to rip his oddly shaped head from his shoulders.


I moved my torch away and waited for him to continue.

"514 Beach Way Avenue that's where they're holding your men and your cargo containers, there's a back entrance you can go through on the south side they won't know your there until it's too late," he divulged

"Just please let me go, I have a kid at home a little girl, and a wife, please," he begged

I hate beggars, so pathetic, I looked him in the eye the decision on what I was going to do already decided.

"Boss if you don't leave now your going to be late," Terrence said from behind me.

"Right," I said "I was just finishing up here" I continued, picking up my gun from the table and putting a bullet right through his head.

I turned around and started walking towards Terrence I shoved my gun into his chest without stopping "Clean this up,NOW," I said as I walked out the basement door.


It's mid December and pretty chilly outside so before I walked out the door I grabbed a coat some bandages and my book bag. I bandaged my fists on the way to school. I had a few cuts on my knuckles from the conversation I had with Max this morning and didn't want anyone to see them.

When I finally got to class and sat down at my desk I didn't even get a second before the speaker sounded and said "Emily Ann Morals please come to the office," damn it what did I do this time is all I could think of as I slowly stood up and excited the class room. I passed Danny my gay best friend in the hallway on the way to the office.

"Hey Ems what did you do this time," he asks turning in the direction i'm walking in.

"Honestly D I haven't the slightest clue," I said back.

By this time we had reached the office and as he turned to walk away he shouted "Well good luck i heard that principal Dean is in a bad mood today,"

There's few people on this planet that I like. I met D when we were 5 I knew him before incident and he was the only friend that stayed through it. We became best friends and he's one of the few people on this earth that I tolerate and that knows what my home life is like. I'd absolutely fall apart if something happened to him.

This is going to be great I thought as I opened the big glass door leading to the receptionist Ms.Marry's desk. She's a sweet heart and helps me every time I need help switching classes or anything. I love her too she's like family, but she definitely doesn't know about my home life.

I noticed a few things as I walked through the glass doors. One, the door to Principal Deans office was wide open which is unusual. Two there was a kid sitting in a seat in his office that I could just barely see, and three Ms. Marry was standing in front of her desk pacing back and fourth reading a book.

"Hey Ms.Marry," I said deciding to walk towards her instead of going straight in to Principal Deans office.

"Oh hey honey, I feel like i haven't seen you in forever," she says putting her book down and pulling me into a hug.

"yeah I know," I responded

"Well he's in there honey, ho ahead," she says pointing to Principal Deans office.

"Yes ma'am thank you," I thanked her.

I turned in the direction of his office and walked in. I hate this man. He's your basic egotistical dominant male with bad anger issues, but he's fun to mess with.

"Ms. Morals, please sit," he says as i walk in pointing to the seat next to a quiet boy sitting in another seat.

"I think i'm gunna stand Mr.Dean," I said back.

The kid quietly chuckles to himself and Mr.Dean gives him a stern look.

"Ms.Morals Id like you to give Mr.Max Diaz a tour, you guys have the same schedule and I think you would be helpful," he says

"Yeah that's not gunna happen," i say

"Ms. Morals right now you are failing your home arts class and without that class you will not pass your senior year and will have to retake it. Show Mr Diaz around and i'm willing to look past that and allow you to stay on the track to graduate early," he says

I role my eyes but ultimately agree because I don't want to stay here longer than I need too "okay whatever let's go new kid," i say turning my back and walking out of the office.

I hear foot steps behind me trying to catch up so I slow down and when he finally catches up "My name is Max not "New kid" learn it,"

I stop walking and look at this kid. This is the first time i've actually seen his face and he's not that bad on the eyes, he has brown hair and green eyes, he's 6,4 and well built.

I start chuckling "Listening here kid, Your names not important enough for me to know so I won't, this is probably the only time I will ever talk to you so don't get used to it, and after this tour i'm going to go back into first block and your gunna wait 10 minutes and then walk in after me everything's gunna go back to normal and i'm gunna act like i don't know you," I say

"Okay well what if I want to be friends?" he asks

I smile "I killed someone with the same name as you this morning, I don't do friends," I say as I start walking again.

"Well see about that," he says and I chuckle at his ignorance.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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