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I walked down the prime path looking at the new buildings and how much They've improved over the years

I am now 30 I think you know I told you how I wasn't immortal well I lied and I haven't aged a day after 22 so yea I guess I should be thankful but I don't know if I can live forever with how I know people are

"Ace Ace" I hear a little voice call out and I turn to see all three of Sapnap Karl and quackitys kids running towards me and I saw their dads tailing behind them with their new baby brother in sapnaps arms

Their oldest name is Sakura He's 7 and looks exactly like Nick he had the same jet black hair and face shape but has green eyes like Karl

Their second oldest is Audyn she's 5 and looks like Alex same black hair but has sapnaps red eyes Audyn was very clingy to her family but warmed up to me eventually

their third kids name is Kit hes 3 kit looks identical to Karl but he had dark blue eyes like Quackity Kit is the most outgoing out of the three of them

And last they have their baby named Lynx he's I think 4 months and you can't really tell who he looks like yet but I'm sure he will be as cute as all of them

And the most interesting thing is that they all have one hybrid form and it's the duck hybrid quackity is so we all call them the ducklings and so do sapnap Karl and quackity

"My little ducklings" I smiled and squatted down so they could give me a hug which they did and I wobbled a bit on the impact "when are you going to watch us again" Sakura asked "whenever your dads need a break" I spoke and I heard the three of them laugh and I saw the kids look offended "papa you don't get sick of us right" kit sobbed and quackity picked him up "of course not kit we could never" he conferred him and I smiled and stood back up "how are you doing Kora" nick asked "good it's um Tubbo's birthday so I was going to go give him this" I held out a small box and he gave me a sad smile

"Sorry" he spoke "its not your fault Nick" I whispered "Karl how are you doing" I asked "I'm so tired they left me alone with Lynx all night" he groaned and I laughed "that sucks were are you all up too" I asked "going to see Punz and foolish for the day ducklings were missing their friends" quackity spoke and I nodded "well you guys have fun I was thinking of planing a server wide BBQ just to reconnect" I added "yea sure sounds like fun" the three said in unison and I laughed "ok see you guys later bye ducklings" I waved And continued walking down the path

Once I reached the graves I placed down Tubbo's present and noticed another one on the other side and saw tommy and ranboos names on it aswell as the kids and smiled

I've never gotten over the fact that Toby or Will is gone they ment so much that's it's surreal how much time I've spent apart from them

When I finally decide to leave from thr graves I head down the same way I came heading back home but on the way back I see George and his kids

George kinda hated kids before he found the two of them they were left at his door step

Darcy has long dirty blond hair that had been reduced to a stand since George came into her life she's 5 and has green eyes and is a drown hybrid

Wesley Is 7 and has the same hair as Darcy we think they are siblings and Darcy is also a drown hybrid

George is a good dad even if everyone thought he would be shit at it funny enough George came to me first holding baby Wesley with the most panicked face I've ever seen he got good at it and then Darcy came two years after

"Ace" I heard Darcy yell and jump out of George's arms and run over to me and I scooped her up when she got close enough "hello little one" I smiled and waved at Wesley who was sitting on George's shoulders

George has also gained some muscles since he's been a dad

"How's it going Gogs" I asked "going alright I think right Wes" he asked and Wesley nodded profusely "well that's nice how are you cy" I questioned "very good did you know it's my birthday on Saturday" he spoke "of course I did what aunt would I be if i didn't" I smiled "a bad one" she responded and I laughed "I have to get home cy ok" I told and she gave me a nod before running over to George who picked her up again "see you later George bye kiddos" I cheered and they all waved as I walked further down the path

When I made it home I instantly went upstairs and went to sleep

Today was a mentally draining day

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