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The final ending

(10 years later)

Clays POV

I stood on the balcony looking out at the fields I used to play on as a kid and thought about how everything went to shit

My life was carefree kinda and I was just waking up every day to go to the tree house to see George Nick and kora and we had no plans to pick sides no plans to blow up things no plans of not being friends

Wesley and Darcy are older and I still don't think they know about everything that happened and I hope it stays that way

They remember uncle clays big house but I don't think they knew exactly why or what I did and I don't think they really care Wesley is like me and as soon as he turned 18 went and started exploring and I think he is doing well he sends letters every once and a while and he is doing well

Darcy is still here and helps me run our library it ironically is the same library I met kora in but it's not very Ironic if you think about it I remembered and I wanted it. Darcy is a beautiful girl who is freshly 16 and oddly looks like a mix of me and George which I bug him about every day

I visit the tree house once and a while but I don't think any other kids are going to find it because it's too far into the woods and I don't mind it

We are all old now well I'm not and koras not but I can see it in George he Is growing older by the year and I think he is starting to realize that I am immortal but I don't think it was a secret

I hope everything goes well in my later years and I hope I will have George beside me and kora even after all the shit I put her through will be beside me even if I know it won't ever happen it's nice to just think about it

And Nick I hope he is living his best life even if he still is looking to kill me

George's POV

I sit at a local coffee shop writing letters to Sakura who found my address and sent me a letter he was always a smart boy

As I wrote I asked about his dads and hoped that he was doing well in whatever he decided to do with his life

He is my niece after all and I would love for him to come over some time

I'm not getting any younger but clay is that immortal bastard

I think I have done a good job with my kids and that day made the right decision on what to do with our lives I sneak back to the server every couple of years and stumbled across koras house and saw through her windows Wilbur carrying a beautiful baby girl

I hope they are all doing good in their lives just how I am in mine

Nicks POV

I remember the day I went to go see if George was ok and saw that note on the door

I went to live with clay and if you don't know who that is this letter is not for you I wish you all the best

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