Chapter 3

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The man came home exhausted and sad because he knew it would be the last time he would see his three children again.

He handed the books to Michael and told them what had happened. Michael's brothers began to insult him, calling him capricious and telling him that he was to blame for everything.

"I'll go," he said firmly Michael.

- What do you say Michael?, asked the father

- I said that I will be the one to return to the castle and give his life to the beast. Please father.

When Michael arrived at the castle he was amazed at its splendor. Even more so when he found “Michael's room” written on a door and found a piano and a bookcase. But he sat on his bed and sadly wished he knew what his father was doing right now. Then he looked up and saw a mirror in which his house was reflected and his father coming to her.

Michael began to think that the beast was not such and that he was actually a very kind being.

That night he went down to dinner and although he was very nervous at first, he began to realize how humble and kind the beast was.

- If there is something you want, ask for it, said the beast

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