poker pt.2 (three)

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(your pov)

"Wait really, not even your mom?" I asked with a small head tilt. "No, that would be weird.." "I mean, not that weird when you have a nightmare as a kid," I say as I walk over to his bed and sit down and pat the seat next to me. "Come, sit," I say as he walks over and sits next to me. "So, do you want to share the bed?" He nods a bit and looks away. "S-sure.." he crawls over to one side of the bed and flops down cuddling up into the blankets, he looks so cute! I get up and walk over to the light switch flipping the lights off and walk back over and climb into the bed next to Dee and close my eyes. I was woken up a bit as I felt someone tug on my arms as I felt someone pull me into their chest. I look up and see it was Dee, is he asleep?? "..Dee..?" I whisper as he doesn't say anything. 'this is probably the closest I'll ever get to him...' I thought as I wrap my arms around his torso and lay my head on his chest. 'so warm..' I thought as I slowly drifted to sleep again... I woke up to someone whispering words I couldn't understand cause I'm only half awake. "Y/n..!" I heard Dee whisper yell at me as I look up at him. "Huh..?" "Why are you holding me..?" He asks as I unwrap my arms from him and yawn. "Dunno, you were the one that pulled me onto you," I say looking back at him, he had a bright blush on his face as I chuckled. "I-i don't remember that.." he said as I pat his head. "That's the good thing about sleeping, you don't remember what you did," I say getting up and stretching as the shirt rope up my body cause it was kinda small on me. "Y-yeah," Dee said getting up and walking over to a drawer, not looking at me. "H-here.." he held out some clothes still not looking at me, I took them and walked to the bathroom and changed. (What you're wearing, or just wear whatever you want)

 (What you're wearing, or just wear whatever you want)

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I look in the mirror and smile. I walk out and see Dee in his normal outfit when he looks up at me and blushes a tiny bit. "Alright, let's go, school's out and my dad's gonna make us eat breakfast.." he said walking out of his room as I follow suite. We walk into the kitchen to see Victoria and ches already eating while glam is making more food. "Good morning you two," glam says without even looking to see who was there, creepy.. Dee goes to sit down as I follow him and take a seat next to him. Glam placed plates in front of me and Dee as heavy ran in and grabbed his own plate and scarfed down all his food without chewing, even bacon.. I started eating my food as did Dee and glam, as Victoria, ches, and heavy left to go do their own things, which left me, Dee, and glam stuck in an awkwardly silent room, with only the sounds of clinking silverware. "So, what do you two plan to do today?" I heard glam ask as we both look at him. "O-oh uh, that's up to Dee, I'm fine with anything.!" I replied giving him an awkward half smile. "I planned on checking out a specific area that caught my interest a little while back," Dee said while interlocking his fingers. (Kinda like this)

 (Kinda like this)

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'hot..- wait, what am I thinking?! Bad brain, I just met him!' I thought to myself as I mentally slap my brain. "Ah, alright then!" Glam said grabbing all three of our plates and putting them in the sink, quickly leaving afterwards. I get up from my seat and take a breather while Dee grabs a bag and starts putting a few water bottles in them, along with some snacks. "What are you doing?" "Getting supplies." He says while glancing at me, I swear, his face was more straight than a ruler. "..f-for what exactly?" I says pulling on my shirt a bit as the room felt hotter than before. "So we can go check out that spot I found," he said, zipping up the backpack and putting it on. After that we started walking in awkward silence as Dee looked forward and I just looked at the ground. Once we started going into the forest near Dee's house I looked up a bit and it looked kinda nice, scary, but nice. I heard a twig snap from behind me and Dee as we both look back and see nothing, shit. "You heard that too.?" Dee looked at me as I looked at him, and nodded. "Shit uhh, l-let's just keep walking.." Dee started walking away as I ran to catch up to him. We kept walking as we heard random noise around us. I thought I saw something in the corner of my eye, so out of instinct I accidentally grabbed Dee's hand. "Ah, sorry," I said pulling my hand away. "It's fine, if you're scared you can hold my hand." Dee grabbed my hand so I could feel better as I smiled. We made it to some rundown house. "Woah, this place is beautiful," I said while looking around inside the building. "Yeah, beautiful," I heard Dee say behind me as I felt his eyes on me. I looked at him and chuckled at his embarrassed look. "What?" "Nothing, I'm just not sure that we're still talking about the house~" I said, teasing him. "W-what are you talking about.?" He looked away as I walked up to him. "I think you know exactly what I'm talking about," I said while wrapping his loose strand of hair on my finger, and he turned into a tomato. I laughed and punched his shoulder a bit as he looks at me with his red face from anger and embarrassment. "Y-you jerk.!" He snaps at me. "Aww, what did I do wrong~?" I gave him puppy dog eyes as he grunts. "W-what ever, I'm leaving.." Dee turned around and started walking away. "H-hey, don't leave me..!" I yelled as I chased after him,

Today was so fun..

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