Chapter 02

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. Prologue .

Part : 02


( - " ANATA !! " Shouted a female voice the second the door of the house opened . The owner of said voice was none other than a very pretty brunette lady with blue eyes .

Said woman was standing in the entrance of her house , having just came back from a medical check up .

" What is it Yukiko ?! Why did you shout like that ?! " Said a male voice while running from the living room .

" I AM BECOMING A MOTHER !! " Exclaimed the now known as Yukiko .

" i-I .. YOU WHAT ?! " asked her husband with a face full of disbelief .

" A mother Yusaku ! A mother !! " She happily exclaimed .

" And .. i-I'm becoming a father ... " Said Yusaku with a voice that sounded more like a whisper .

" Yes ! We are becoming parents ! " Exclaimed Yukiko again as she jumped at her husband happily with a hug , he immediately hugged back as he had a very happy expression of his own .

" We are becoming parents !! " He exclaimed as they started celebrating .

And so , the Kudo couple got the news of their first child .

The nine months of Yukiko's pregnancy were filled with happiness , and sometimes sickness for the woman .

The months passed and now is the time for the baby to be born , all of the family members , relatives , and friends are with Yusaku trying to comfort him while his wife was in labor .

And after that , the crying voice was like an alarm that sent a huge wave of relief that washed over everyone , especially Yusaku .

Once he got in his wife's hospital room , she was holding a very healthy baby girl that had light brown hair with a unique shade of black in her front hair , the parents saw in her pure beauty , which made them confident about her growing into a gorgeous and unique lady .

" Oh my god Yusaku look ! She looks like me !! " Exclaimed Yukiko happily yet she did sound tired .

" Indeed , she looks so cute and beautiful , just like her mother " he said in a more mature voice .

" You know , her face kind of remind me of yours , she seems smart " said Yukiko with a farewell look .

" What do you expect ? She is my child after all " he said with a proud look .

" Listen , I will get straight to the point . Don't you DARE turn my daughter into a mystery geek ! " Said Yukiko with a very serious voice , Yusaku just sweatdropped from fear .

" I promise I'll try my best not to ... " He said with a defeated sight in the end .

" Good ! " Was Yukiko's cheerful answer . " What should we name her by the way ? " She asked while looking at her husband curiously .

" I don't really know actually . What about you choose ? " He asked her instead of answering which made Yukiko frown a bit as she had a thoughtful look , and so did Yusaku , as both fell into an awekward silence yet  confortable in a way , both thinking of a suitable name for their little princess .

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