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Virgil was just thirteen when it happened. He was hungry, and thirsty so when he had found that garden? Of course he was going to bring his sick mother to it! While his mother was sleeping the owner of the garden came storming out and grabbed his arm tightly dragging him away from his sick mother.

"No please!" Virgil has surely thought this man was going to kill him right there. But he was only locked inside a cage in the basement of the house. "Please don't hurt my mother please! It was my idea!" The man huffed annoyed.

"I will heal your mother, but on one condition." Virgil felt the tears in his eyes flowing down his cheeks. He nodded his head quickly.

"Please I just wanted her to be healthy again she's all I have left..." the man took off his hat and stepped into the light. Virgil noticed the scales going across half his face and his eyes widened. This was the witch everyone always warned people about. He had stolen from the witch! "Please don't do anything to hurt her!" The witch rolled his eyes.

"My boy, this isn't a fairytale," The man turned around facing the door, He paused for a moment and turned back to Virgil. "The deal, you stay here in this cage, she goes free and lives a long healthy and happy life." Virgil gasped in shock.

"You can't just keep me locked in a cage! That's cruel!" The man laughed.

"Your mother won't have any memory of you Virgil, I'll make sure nobody in that village remembers you." He walked out before Virgil could say another word. He never told the witch his name. But now he was bound to the witch and trapped inside a cage for the rest of his life!

***four years later***

Virgil put his book down as Janus entered his cell looking angry.

"What happened now?" Virgil asked. Janus glared at him.

"I've had you here for four years! Four! And not once did anyone in that village ever wonder where you were because they'd all forgotten you! Why did this villager have to come back and ruin it all!?" Virgils heart leaped in his chest. He knew exactly who Janus meant. Crown prince Logan! He must have come to visit the town again after all this time!

"Crown prince Logan never forgets a face." Virgil chuckled. "Let me guess? The spell was broken and everyone knows I just disappeared? I must go see my mother now that she remembers me!" Virgil got excited.

"Your mothers dead." Janus turned to look at Virgil.

"What!?" Virgil held the locket around his neck. "YOU LIAR! That's all you ever do is lie!" Janus growled.

"The magic wore off kid! Because of that stupid prince! She died instantly because the sickness I cured her of came back full force!" Janus chuckled a bit. "Besides, you won't be leaving this cell ever, unless of course you want to be set free, I break our deal, send you out into the woods, you'll be free to do as you please again, never to see this cell ever again"

"I...." Virgil glared. "I cant trust you!"

"I've given you everything my dear boy, the least you can do is trust me!" Janus snapped his fingers and Virgil screamed in pain. Purple Horns grew from his head, his fingernails became talons, his teeth became razor sharp and he suddenly sprouted a tail and scales all down his arms, face, neck and back, wings sprouted from his back. Tears filled his eyes when he looked at himself in the mirror besides him. "Now to set you free as promised"

"What have you done to me!?" Virgil cried out.

"I made you a dragon." Janus smirked. "One the villagers will be hunting down for the rest of their pitiful lives. You see, I told the king a story about a dragon living in these woods. I told him his kingdom is cursed and in order to break it someone needs to bring back that dragons head!" Virgil shook as he was dragged from the cell he had been kept in for four years.

The truth inside the curse (Sanderssides fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now