Deerleap pricked her ears as the leader of Thunderclan, Spottedstar, yowled out a summons. She padded closer from where she was talking with Rosespirit outside the apprentice's den and sat down at what he had to say. Poppykit and Amberkit, Spottedstar's kits, were perched just behind him. They hadn't wanted to be apart from their father ever since their mother, Winterwind, had died. Spottedstar had started to heal, but the kits would never forget about their mother.

Deerleap curled her brown tabby tail over her paws and listened up, distracting herself from the past.

"It is with great happiness that I can report Aspenleaf's kits have arrived healthily and safely!" Spottedstar smiled down at his clan, delighted at the happy news to report.

Deerleap cheered along with her clan members, meowing in congratulations to the new mother and Firtail, who was the father.

Spottedstar waited for the yowls to die down, curling his tail around Poppykit, then continued. "We welcome little Yewkit, Paintedkit and Fernkit to Thunderclan." Deerleap grinned uncontrollably, happiness spreading through her body- it was hard to feel anything but joy with the arrival of new kits. That meant that maybe she could have an apprentice soon!

Deerleap was excited for Pearlsea's litter to grow up into apprentices so she could have the possibility of having one to train. Sprucekit and Sunsetkit were good kits, especially Sprucekit, the tom. He was extremely intelligent and mature for his age.

Lost in thought, Deerleap didn't notice Oceanbreeze murmur under her breath, sheathing and unsheathing her claws in agitation.

"This promise of new life and energy into the clan is-" Spottedstar's meow was cut off as a flying flash of blueish fur pinned him to the rock. The whole clan erupted in yowls of terror and rage, every cat leaping up.

Deerleap wailed in fear and indignation.

"Any cat takes one step closer and I kill the kits! Or I might just do it anyway..." Oceanbreeze grinned wickedly.

"What are you doing, Oceanbreeze?! Is this some kind of joke?!" Spottedstar rasped, breaths coming shallowly. The deputy was overpowering him, her strong frame ensuring he couldn't move or he'd fall off the Highrock. He also wasn't fighting back, for fear his kits would get in the way and injure themselves.

Deerleap felt sick at the horrible turn of the light-hearted meeting. What had been a joyous announcement of new life had become a serious and intense situation.

Amberkit caught sight of Darksky beckoning her off the rock with her tail. She inched backwards, only moving while the deputy was distracted, and raced down the rock to the safety of the medicine cat when she was out of reach.

"I SAID NO CAT MOVE!" Oceanbreeze shrilly yowled and finally snapped, her jaws closing around Spottedstar's neck. Blood spurted from the wound, soaking both cats' fur a dark crimson. If Deerleap had thought the clan erupted before, now it was like a volcano. The queens and elders escaped to their dens, kits running wildly around camp, looking for their mothers. Warriors and apprentices' tails were lashing and their fur was bristling. Every cat was yelling and it made Deerleap's ears ring.

She stood numbly, time seeming to slow down. Spottedstar's paws batted at Oceanbreeze's chest, growing weaker by the heartbeat.

Poppykit cried out and her claws scrabbled on the rock, slipping and sliding. Oceanbreeze whipped her head to the kit, smirked, and used her massive paw to push her over the edge of the Highrock.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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