•Call from JoE HawLeY•

390 10 34

(A/N: I can't get over the fact we hit 900 views that is insane. Enjoy some filler chapters for a bit while I work out all the new lore and suffering imma be putting YALL through. ❤️)

The sun rose high over the windows that at first, I thought were friends. I mean seriously, I need some curtains.

A sense of grogginess hit me, making me grab at my sheets tiredly. All until the events from last night kicked in.


I kissed him. I kissed Joe. Well technically I guess it was just a kiss on the cheek, but....

I giggled girlishly, falling into my pillow, laughing as crazily as possible.

Yeah, Ive definitely gone insane. But not necessarily in a bad way. It got me to thinking though.
What is Joe to Me?
He's been there for me, I always like to talk to him. When my mind wanders it always lands around him. When I feel sad, I call him and we talk for a bit. I get to be myself around him, no faking it or anything. He's my..


It made me feel weird, calling him that. I was kind of sad.
What? No no, your just friends..

Last night wasn't very friends of us. I kissed him? What the Heck y/n?

My heart was all tangled. Like I was hiding some forbidden truth. What was the forbidden truth? Well to put it one way...

I have a crush on Joe Hawley. Crap.

My gaze finally focused in on my clock, which read 9:30 AM. I should probably get ready now.

My ears twitched, realizing the sound was coming from my phone. I flipped my legs over the side of the bed and clicked the "accept button" quickly.

"You up?"  His rough(presumably morning) voice speak out across the line.

"YeAh." I- seriously? A voice crack, cmon y/n.
Clearing my throat, I repeated myself. "Yeah, why?"

"I was uhm.." He paused. "I was thinking of going to like, the mall or something? I didn't have a lot to do today so..- I mean I understand if you don't wanna go but like-"

"Quit rambling, it's too early." I laughed hoarsely. "Yes, I'm love to go. Should I just go to your room?"

"I can go to yours now-"

"NO! I mean, no no no. I look terrible when I first wake up, and i am not ready. I can go to yours, it's easier and.. less embarrassing." I quickly explained, hoping he wouldn't mind.

Static filled the air before he responded with a very quiet," You never look terrible..."
I couldn't hear it, but all that matters is I did, which I didn't think he intended. A smile filled my face once again, and i held the phone close.

"Alright, I'll meet ya soon."

"Cya." He finished before he ended the call.

Time to meet Joe. Today is gonna be fun!



I waited at the foot of my door for a bit, scrolling through Instagram and counting the seconds till y/n arrived. I was still surprised I even had the guts to call and ask for a day out anyway. Sometimes I'm very bold, sometimes.. not so much. Like when I voice crack for example.

Footsteps indicated that she was here. I turned to the direction of her room to see her. As usual , she was beautiful. Her hair was worn is a simple up and down style, and she wore some jeans, a black jacket, and a white shirt with flowers embroidered onto it. It was simple, but she rocked it.

"Where are we even going again?" Her voice a bit deeper than usual. She must not being a morning person( neither am I )

"I was thinking the mall or just walking the town? There's a lot of shops down by the docks here. I don't go out a lot because of the attention and fans I find there." And it was true. I hate the attention I receive when I go down basically anywhere. It's normally a bunch of 12 year olds with tāllyhãll shirts and dirty converse shoes.

She contemplated for a few seconds, before looking up at me. "Maybe wear a hat?" She decided.

"Is that all you have to say?" I laughed. "Let's go, captain obvious."
And with that, we made our way to the docks.

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