•Homie Investigates 🧐•

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Joe hawley POV


Holy crap. How am I supposed to react to this? I never have the guts to do anything, I haven't even asked her on a date? The heck?

Calm down, calm down, calm down.

"That was... uhm..." Y/n's voice spoke, her eyes wide as saucers and her hand over her heart.

"I'm sorry, I should have-"

"No!" Her interruption surprised me. "I- That was, I mean, sudden! But not in a bad way or anything-"

I responded quickly to try to stop her from going crazy. "I'm glad." Simple and sweet. Keep it going Joe

Y/n began to speak again, her soft melody of a voice relieving any previous pressure or nerves I had. "I think we have enough tickets for one more game, right? The night is young!"

"It's like, 6:30."

She sweatdropped at that, and I had to prevent myself from snorting in laughter. "Youngish?"

She held so much love and admiration in her eyes at that moment that I couldn't hope to do anything stupid.(but if I tried, I probably could.)

"Sure, sweetheart." Half sarcastic, half serious. Look, I just wanted to see if I could get a reaction, okay? And I did, as y/n blew up a deep red, her s/c skin flushed and very obvious. "What e-even.. heck-no, wait that-"
Her stammered words explaining her state of mind even more.

I laughed at it quietly. "Cmon, I held her hand and guided her out of the ferry to more fun time.


"Zubin, shut up."

"You're the one telling me this information? Am I not allowed to freak out because my boi Joe has a love life?" He was giggling a lot and had a very boyish grin on him face, but I didn't know who else to tell. I was just too estatic.

"So what happened next? Rejection? A night of Joy for two lovebirds?" He teased.

"z u b i n." I groaned in annoyance. This man. Maybe I should go to Rob or something. Ross is out of the question, and Andrew is.. uhm. Andrew. He wouldn't tell a soul and wouldn't want to be told anything. Now that I think about it, andrews perfect.

joe :) <3
-leah (my friend)

"Wanna know so bad? I kissed her. And now I'm sorta wondering if she feels the same."
It had been scratching at my heart for a long time. Does she feel the same way? I know that she said she liked it, but what if it was just a spur of the moment thing?

A low hum came from zooby and he seemed to be thinking intently., not before the shocked look on his face at "kids" information I gave.

"I. Shall. Investigate." He said up before I could even say anything.

"Dude, no wait-"
Too late. He had already skidaddled out the door and I had no say. Great.

zubin :3 <3
-leah (my friend)

ZUBIN POV (yes, your eyes dont decieve you.)

I'm really honored to have my boi Joe trust me enough to spill close secrets. With me, zoob! My degree in medicine and respecting women must really play a part.

I can't worry about that now! My job is way more important. I gotta ask y/n for her epic opinion. Because women matter to me, because I respect them.

Striding off to y/n's door, I knocked 4 times because quirky is my middle name, no basic 3 knocks here am I right? Ha.

I heard a click at the door as it opened, revealing a all around neutral looking y/n. She didn't look to wacky, but she wasn't looking radical either.

"Oh, hey zoob. Did you need something?"

"Just wanted to chill with you, my broski!" I walked in vigorously, a pep in my step.

"Ok..." she smiled nervously. I guess I am known for being an insane dude. I wear  heelys , how could you not love me?

"So..." I began. Time for investigation to start for my boy Joey.

"How are you and Joe doing?" Right into it baby! That's how I like it, short and sweet.

"Eh?" Y/n responded, a flustered look on her face. "Wha-what?"

"It's obvious you and Joey Man are more than frieeeends." I wiggled my eyebrows up and down furiously.

"So is it true? You and Joey are a little bit moreee?" I leaned forward all zooby like.

She looked tense. After a few moments, she sighed and looked down, her h/c hair flickering in the slight breeze.

She nodded." Maybe. Something happened and I did like it." She admitted, thinking I didn't know what the 'something' was. Jokes on her! Zubin Zoobert always knows.

A big, stupid grin covered my whole face. Investigation completed.

Laughing menacingly, I laid everything out on the table.
"AHA! I knew it! You and Joe are a thing!"

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